Chapter 4

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I crawled out of bed, better rested than yesterday, and walked to the bathroom and started getting ready for the day. I walked downstairs and sat at the table with Alex. 

"So, you happy it's finally Friday?"

"Yep, I'm going to probably sleep all weekend."

"Haha, cool. I might too."

We finished eating and started walking to school. We sat outside the school waiting for the bell to ring.

"Well, see you at home, little sis."

"See you, and stop calling me that!"

I paid close attention in math today, since I was rested, and took lots of notes to help me. I walked into third period and sat in front of Jess, like always. She had her head down, since she finished her homework last night at my house.


"Oh, hey."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Eh, just have a head ache."

"Oh, well I hope you get better."


The teacher then walked in and started teaching. 

It was finally time for lunch. I saw Jess in the line nd was going to sit with her once I got my food but another person came up to me and took me to their table with their friends, I recognized some of them but not all. I was talking to them and smiling but I couldn't help but keep looking at Jess, eating alone. Then this kid named Bart stood on a table and yelled, "I'm having a party tonight and everyone is invited!" The whole lunch room broke out in cheer and I saw Jess leave holding her head. "She must still have a head ache." I thought.

*Time skip*

I walked down the hall singing a song in my head and doing a little dance.

"Why are you so spunky?"

"It's Friday, that's why."

"Oh, ok. Well, let's go."

Me and Jess then started walking down the side walk.

"So, you going to Bart's party tonight?"

"Eh, I might or might not. Depends on if you're going."


"I would hate to be there alone with no one to talk to."

"Oh, well like I said it's Friday so, I'll go."

"Cool, so, I'll meet you here at around 8'ish then."

"Sounds good. See you later, Jess."

"See ya."

*Time skip*

"Make sure not to drink or eat anything at the party!" My mom reminded me. 

"I know, I have my own water and snacks!"

"Ok, be safe!"

"I will and don't wait up on me I don't know when I'll be back!"

"Ok, sweetie!"

"See you sis!"

I then went out the door and started walking down the sidewalk. I was coming in view of the corner, felling a knot well up in my throat.



Me and Jess started walking down the road to Bart's house. We got to his house and could already here the music playing. "How much do you bet that the police will show up with a noise complaint?" Jess asked me. "I don't know but they defiantly will be here by about mid-night." I answered. We walked inside and people were everywhere and the music was so loud you could barely hear yourself think. "Hey guys, happy you could make it." Bart greeted me and Jess. "Ya, nice to be here, got anything to drink?" Jess asked. "Yep, be right back." Bart said while walking away. He came back a few seconds later with a red solo cup full of a mystery liquid.

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