Kyoya x reader

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Kyoya's POV

I walked to the B-pit, already I could hear the commotion. I sighed, what was today going to be like?

"Kyoya I would like you to meet someone!" Gingka told me as I walked in. I looked at him, 


"This is my little sister, she is new here!" A girl a little younger than Gingka was hiding behind her brother. "She is really shy, but please be nice to her." 

"Hello," I said, 

"H-hi I-I'm-" Benkei ran straight up to her and shook her hand violently, 

"Benkei!" I yelled. 

"Sorry! I'm Benkei! That's Kyoya, he is quiet but he is so awesome! B-B-Bull!" Benkei told her loudly. I sighed and stuck out my hand for the girl to shake, she nervously took it. 

"Don't be shy (Y/N)!" Gingka told her, she looked at me and smiled faintly, her smile was really pretty.

(Y/N) hung around us while we went beyblading, she had a bey herself, but she didn't use it much. Then we went to Madoka's and ate lunch.

After weeks of hanging out with us, (Y/N) has become a little more open, I happen to be one of her best friends. 

"Kyoya! Guess what!" She came up to me happily, 


"I got a boyfriend!"

 "Y-you did?" I responded, to be honest, I had a small crush on the girl, 

"Yea! Hyoma!" 

"Really? That's great." 

"Mmhm!" Then she ran off. I sighed, Gingka came up to me, 



"...I know you like my sister." 


"Are you disappointed?" 


"Liar." I rolled my eyes, 

"I'm a little disappointed, but she's happy." 


"...I'm happy for her." 

"That's good." Then it was a just awkward silence. I walked away.

A few weeks later: 

I was lying in bed trying to sleep when I heard someone at the door knocking. It was raining outside. I ignored the door because it was the middle of the night, 11:30, the knocks kept coming until I got fed up and answered. 

"What the heck do you want?!" I yelled at whoever was there, then I saw a crying figure, and I realized it was (Y/N) "(Y/N)! What are you doing?! It's 11:30 and you are soaking wet! Come in and why are you crying?!" She walked in,

"I-I'm sorry..." 

"It's fine, what's wrong?" I asked getting her a towel. 

"I-I was on a date with Hyoma, and he threw me in the mud and laughed, saying 'w-who would ever want you?!' Then I went home to tell Gingka and he didn't believe me! I told him it was true and he said he knew Hyoma, and that he would never do that! So I went out when it was dark here..." I sat her beside the fire, which I had turned on for her, 

"I'm so sorry," I said and sat beside her. "It's going to be ok... I know Hyoma is a hot head huh?" 

"Y-yea, all he talked about was himself..." 

"That is so rude, why did you agree to go out with him?" 

"Well when he asked, he seemed really nice, and well, I knew my crush didn't like me so... I just agreed..." 

"I'm sure your crushed liked you, who wouldn't? Who did you have a crush on?" She blushed a little, 

"um... w-well y-you..." She liked me?! 

"Y-you liked me?" 

"Y-yea..." I brought her in my lap, 

"Wanna know a secret?" 

"S-sure..." I just kissed her soft lips lightly, 

"I like you too." She blushed furiously, 


"I just kissed you didn't I?" She hugged me, I hugged her back. "(Y/N)?"

"Yes?" "Would you like to go out with me? I won't treat you like that trash bag Hyoma." She giggled, 

"I would love too." 

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