Ryuga x tsundere reader part 2

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I began in the direction of the forest, I was determined to win every battle. Even against this 'Ryuga Kishatu' who ever he is. I reached a random house in the forest and I knocked on the door. There was some shuffling then the door opened. A boy with pure white hair with a small tuff of red in it.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" He growled at me.

"I am looking for Ryuga Kishatu." I told him. He scoffed,

"What do you want kid?"

"Are you him?" I asked

"Yes." He rolled his eyes,

"Battle me!"

He gave me a strange look. "No." and shut the door.

"Hey! Let me in!" I pounded on the door with my fists.

After a few hours it was getting dark,

"Ryuga please let me in! It's getting dark!"

"Go home! What are you still doing her?!"

"I don't have a home!"

"Then go find one!" He barked at me. I slumped against the door, i'll just wait here until he lets me in, even if it takes all night.

The door opened a minute later and I fell over, Ryuga glared at me, "What are you still doing here- Ugh never mind, you can stay one night. Then you leave." I look at him happily and walk in. "You can use the spare room. Down the hall to the left. Leftover dinner is in the fridge." He walked in his own room and slammed the door. I walked to the spare room like he told me to.

The room was simple but cozy, I plopped down on the bed, I really wasn't hungry. I wanted to go talk to Ryuga.

After a while, I heard the TV on. I walked out of the room, Ryuga was sitting on the couch, watching TV, and eating something. I walked up next to him.

"Ryuga, thank you for letting me stay."

"Whatever." He growled at me.

"Will you battle me tomorrow. I beat Gingka- I don't know if you know him or not but-"

"Fine kid. Tomorrow. You beat Gingka huh? Well then you must be pretty strong." He rolled his eyes, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I want to be best in the world!"

"Well kid thats a long shot." He smirked, "I am the best. No one can beat me, I can tell you that. Gingka beat me once, but I was weak then. I am not now."

"I will win!" He scoffed.

"Well see about that kid." I smirked, I would win, I had to win.

The next day I got up and raced to the kitchen. Ryuga was there making food. He rolled his eyes upon seeing me, but I thought I saw a tiny smile.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asked, no emotion in his voice.

"I would love some, thank you." I smiled at him, he gave me a plate with eggs on them. "After this, lets battle!" I said,

"Fine." We ate our breakfast, and I helped cleaned up the kitchen.

We walked outside and Ryuga had his own stadium, we both lined up for battle,

"LET IT RIP!" We both shouted and pulled the ripcord, my bey flew at L-drago and hit him hard, it did no damage. "What?!" I retreated back and hit him again. Still no damage. Ryuga laughed,

"You thought you could beat me?! HA!" We fought for a few minutes, then he hit my bey out of the stadium, I was so tired and my body hurt from fighting, I hit L-drago with all my strength I angerly ran off.

After I ran a bit I tripped and felt my leg snap in two. I screamed out in pain and passed out.

I woke up in a strange bed, I looked around, I was in Ryuga's house, in his spare bedroom.

"H-hello?!" I called,

Ryuga walked in, he looked at me. "Are you feeling better?" He asked, no emotion in his voice.

"Uh, yes..."

"...you put up quite the fight the other day, I... am impressed, I thought you would do a lot worse."

"Thank you?"

"Ill bring you food since you broke your leg." Ryuga walked in the other room mumbling on how stupid I was on the way out. He came back a with some food and gave it to me, along with some water. I ate the food slowly, it was hard for me for some reason. Ryuga watched me.

"Are you in pain?" He asked, I was, but I wasn't about to admit it.


Ryuga rolled his eyes, he knew I was lying. "Here's some pain killers." He handed me some pills and I took them.

"Thank you." I mumbled. He nodded.

After about a few months with staying with Ryuga, I was getting a lot better, I was able to walk with my boot. Ryuga and I have become closer.

"(Y/N)?" Ryuga knocked on my door,

"Yes Ryuga? You can come in." He walked in,

"How are you feeling?"

"I think I am almost better. I was just packing up my things, I'll get out of your hair." I grumbled, I really didn't want to go, but I figured he was tired of me and I didn't need to be a burden, I have my life to live, and so does he. Ryuga remained silent, I started to walk out the door when Ryuga grabbed my wrist and stopped me,

"No. Don't leave." I looked at him, "I want you here."

"Why? From the beginning you wanted me gone, what's with the change of heart?" I asked not wanting to make this any harder for me. I had really grown to like Ryuga.

"Look (Y/N), I hate myself for saying this, but I like you. You're a good kid and a strong person. Why don't you just stay. Ill help you train so you can be the best you can."

"Thank you Ryuga." 

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