Gingka x reader

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Lost in a book, that's how I liked to spend my time, away from all my problems and from the world that seemed to hate me. 

Ring, Ring I was suddenly pulled away from the entrancing world that I was reading and placed back into the real one.

"Oh, hello Madoka. How are you doing?" I answered placing a bookmark on my page and setting the book on the table. 

"I'm doing well! So some friends and I were going to Bey park this afternoon, they all want to practice. I would love for you to come!" 

"Uh, what time?" I asked, looking at my watch, I didn't want to be out too late. 

"I was thinking around 5, we could hang out then maybe grab some dinner. What do you think? Will you come? We can pick you up if you need!" She folded her hands together and made a pleading look. 

"Alright, I'll go-"

"Yay! So, ill see you then! We'll pick you up at 5!" 

"Alright, see you then." She hung up. I looked at the time, it was 3:45 I had an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready. Ok so, ill spend a half-hour reading and get ready at 4:30...

Like an hour later: 

I looked at the time, 4:45. "OH, crap-" I stood up and practically ran to the bathroom. 

I straightened my hair and picked out some halfway decent clothes. Then I heard a knock on the door. "I'm coming!" I called and raced downstairs. I opened the door to find a cute red-headed boy. 

"Hey, I'm Gingka. I'm here to pick you up. Madoka is waiting in the car." He said with a bright smile that lit up his whole face. "Are you ready?" 

"Yea-yea. I'm ready. My name is (Y/N)." I smiled shyly back.

"Madoka has told me a lot about you!" He said, still smiling. 

"H-has she?" Wow Madoka, thanks... 

We walk over to the car there was Madoka and another kid sitting in the back seat. Madoka had given me the front seat. Gingka opened the door for me. 

Madoka waved to me. "Hey, (Y/N)! I'm so glad you could join us! This is Kenta by the way." 

"It's nice to meet you Kenta." He smiled at me. 

"It's nice to meet you too! Do you have a Beyblade?" He asked.

"I-uh... I used to..." I said. When I was younger, my parents had gotten me a Beyblade. It was a (B/N). He wanted me to grow strong and have fun... but all it did was hurt me. Soon after, I found out that I wasn't a strong blader. I trained for years doing my very best, trying different Beyblades and different tactics, but they all didn't work. But there were no results and I was bullied by all the other kids, they hit me, called me names, and did so much crap to me. So I gave up. I still have some scars from it.

"Why don't you anymore?" He asked.  

"It uh, didn't work out for me. So, is it going to be just us?" I asked, changing the subject. 

"No, we are meeting three more people there," Gingka said, I nodded. 

We drove to bey park and Gingka seemed excited. "Come on, (Y/N)! He said and dragged me over to a free stadium. We set our stuff under a tree and Gingka got ready to launch. "Will you watch me, (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Yea!" I said. He smiled at me. He was cute, I couldn't help but stare at him. He just seemed to be so happy. 

I sat down beside him, "Are you ready to be amazed, (Y/N)?" 

"I am." 

"Alright then! LET IT RIP!" He pulled the ripcord and his bey went flying. I could tell he was really strong. 

"Wow..." I breathed, he was really impressive. He turned to me and smiled. 

The rest of the night was spent watching Beyblades and eating hamburgers with Madoka, Gingka, and their friends. 

A few weeks later: 

I was quietly reading my book when I heard a knock on the door. 

"Hello?" I said, opening it. It was Gingka. After meeting him with Madoka, he and I became great friends. "Oh, hey Gingka. How's it goin'?" 

"Hey (Y/N), sorry for barging in on you like this, but I was wondering if I might be able to hang out with you for a little while. Kyoya and the others are driving me nuts!" He said rubbing the back of his head. "That is if you not busy!" 

"Oh yea, sure. I'm not doing anything. Come on in." I said and gestured for him to walk inside. 

"Thank you so much!" He said. 

"Yea, no problem. Please excuse the mess." I said it was kinda messy in my house.  I walked to the kitchen, "I can fix some snacks, what would you like?" 

"Hmm, do you have popcorn?" 

"That I do." I got the box down and put a bag in the microwave. "What would you like to do?" 

"Whatever is fine." We just stood in silence for a little until the popcorn was ready. "Hey, I uh, I was wondering if I could talk with you." 

"Sure, what's up?" I asked. 

"I uh, I didn't come here because they were bugging me... I uh, came to tell you that I like you... so... I know you might not feel the same since we haven't known each other for a long time, but I think you're really pretty, and whenever you smile it's like all I can see is you." He took my hand. "(Y/N), I really like you, will you go out with me?" I was shocked, Gingka, the guy I liked, asking me out? For once I fall in love with a real person and they do like me back?" 

"I... I like you too, Gingka. I would love to go out with you." He smiled the smile I love, his face lit up more than usual, I didn't think that was possible. He hugged me. 

"I'm so happy." He picked me up and spun me around. "Haha!" I blushed. He placed a hand on my cheek, "Can I... uh... can I kiss you?" I chuckled and nodded. He placed his lips on mine. "I love you, (Y/N)." 

"I love you too Gingka." 

~Wow! I got three chapters out in the past week! I hope you guys are happy with me, ill try to keep it up. BTW, Thank you guys soooooooo much for 36k reads! I never thought I get that many and you all are so nice and thank you all So much!!!
 I had a loooonnnngggggg day today. OMG. I'm so tired. I worked an 8-hour shift on a Saturday, my feet are KILLING me. But hey, I got a chapter out and it's decently long! Wooooo. Anywho, I hope you guys liked this chapter. I didn't really know what to do with and this is what came out, so I uh hope ya like it. More is comin' soon along with some more rewrites! So yay!  See ya later! ~ Maiza 

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