Kyoya Tategami x Really Shy Reader

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"I-I am so-sor-"

"SORRY DOESN'T GET ME INFORMATION! THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME YOU FAILED! GET OUT!" I ran out, I went to my room and started gathering my things.

"You're leaving?! YES!" Reji called when I went to the café, the entire room cheered, everyone hated me, I took a deep breath, "Goodbye (Y/N)!" Reji told me with a really hard punch to the arm, he may look weak, but the truth is he was REALLY strong. I said goodbye to my only friend Ryuga,


"...I know you got fired..." He told me with no hint of emotion in his voice

"I... I know you a-are mad at me..." Tears welled in my eyes,

"...I'm not mad at you, i'm mad at Doji for firing you..." I let them fall, "You will hopefully live a better life now that you are gone..." I hugged Ryuga, I knew he hated hugs, but I need one.

"i'll miss you so much Ryuga..."

"I'll miss you too." he wrapped his arms around me, "Go, live a happy life, I will miss you, but i'm glad you are going, you won't but hurt anymore..." I sobbed, "Don't cry (Y/N)."

"I hate it here... but I don't want to leave you..."

"I need you to go. Find love, meet friends."


"Go." Ryuga walked me out, "Leave, just... come and say 'hi' once in awhile..." I nodded, and left,

"Good-bye Ryuga..."

"Good-bye..." he walked back inside...

I wandered the streets where would I go? Where will I stay?!

After about an hour I walked under a bridge,

"Hey you!" Some people ran up to me, "Battle us, if we win we get all your bey points!"

"O-ok..." I pulled out my beyblade, I didn't use it much. I launched, after a few minutes they defeated me, they smirked, and advanced on me, I backed away, "L-leave me alone!" One of them hit my head and I was knocked out.

I awoke in a strange place it had crates and boxes all over the concrete floor, it appeared to be a warehouse, I looked around me.

"So... you are the one who Benkei and the others defeated ..." A boy with forest green hair had piercing blue eyes with scars under them glared at me.

"Uh! Y-yes?" He growled at me, I flinched.

"What's your name?"



"W-why am I here?"

"Because you owe me points."

"W-well, I-I don't have any Bey points... i-i'm sorry..." He growled at me again.

"You don't huh? Well then you'll pay me by working for me..." The teen told me.

"I-I will? W-will I be paid?" I asked.

"You will not be paid, you will pay me." I looked at my feet.

"W-what will I be doing?"

"You will be my personal servant, you will serve me loyalty." I sighed, the boy came up to me and grabbed my chin. "Do as I say and you wont stay here too long, but if you don't then you will serve me for a while..." I nodded my head. "Good girl."

"W-who are you?"

"Kyoya Tategami, leader of the facehunters."

I nodded.

After a month, I was in my room, I was decorating it a little by hanging up a picture, I felt arms wrap around my waist, I jumped. I heard a chuckle. "You are adorable..." It was Kyoya,


"Hmm?" He hummed,

"W-what are you doing?"

"...what feels right." He turned me around, I faced him. "Beautiful girl." He rested his hand on my cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

He took a seat on my bed and placed me in his lap. I faced him, "Kyoya, w-what are you doing I-I mean..." I looked at my lap, "...I'm a servant in your eyes, that all I ever was, and that's all I will ever be..."

He pulled my chin up, "No..." He planted his lips on mine and kissed my passionately, he pulled away and cupped my face in his hands, he kissed me again, and again. "I love you... so much (Y/N)..." He whispered in my ear.

"...Y-your the first..."

He looked me in the eye, "What are you talking about?"

"Y-you are the first... t-to love me..." I wiped my tears

"I doubt that."

"...W-well, I don't know if you will love me after I tell you my story..." He listened attentively, "When I was 14 my parents died, I looked for a home everywhere, because I didn't want to go to a orphanage, I found a home and a job at the 'Dark Nebula,' the people there hated me, except one, Ryuga. He was a good friend to me, the only one that didn't abuse me. But then I was fired, I was trying to find shelter when Benkei and the others found me..."

Kyoya hugged me tight, "I'm so sorry, beautiful, I still love you though." He pecked my lips.

"Thank you, Kyoya." I hugged him,

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I nodded. "Thank you."  

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