chapter nine

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(Y/n) petted the small cat for a while. "He's so cute, can we keep him?"
(Y/n) asked while holding the small cat to its face. Ciel was quite suprised by the dramatic change that (y/n) goes through.
"We should give the other (y/n) a name." Ciel thought.
" I guess it would be okay if it stays, I don't seem to be allergic to it for some strange reason."

Your POV:

Yay! What should I call you?


You already know my name. It's Alex remember.


(Y/n) dropped the cat and backed away.
Ciel and sebastian was just as suprised.


What are you looking at?

Your POV:

You can talk?


Alexander tilted his head.
"Of course I can, what kind of question is that? You made me like this."


Of course. I knew he was up to something. What did he do to you?


I was being beat up by these guys I knew, and he saved me. Then he took me here and I woke up like this.


So you was human at one point. How interesting, I didn't know he can do that.
(Y/n) is really starting to peek my interest. Do you have family?


No. I was homeless. I actually like being a cat.


I'm suprised he didn't just eat you.
You must of done somthing to peak his interest.

Your POV:

Am I really like that? That doesn't sound like somthing I'd do.


You really don't remember anything?

Your POV:



alex loved being petted, and it showed. (Y/n) couldn't help but pet and nuzzle the cat to his face. Alexander purred as (y/n) petted his flawless white fur.  Sebastian  was quite jealous. " How could such a beautiful feline not like me?" Sebastian thought to himself
Suddenly  Alexander  starts to convuls and shake violently.  Soon after (y/n) falls to the floor unconscious.


Not this again. Why can't anyone stay conscious?


(Y/n) than Springs back up and looks at ciel. He smiles wildly. "He's back." Ciel said in a concerned tone.

Your POV:

What's wrong "master" I thought you liked me like this.


I only like sweet things.
You are evil, although  you may prove useful you are still Someone that I should keep an eye on. I also decided to call you Leo. It will be easier to tell you apart if you have different names.

Your POV:

Yea yea, whatever. So where is my little toy.


Everyone including  (y/n) notice that Alex was missing.
"Where is that damn cat" Said ciel while franticly looking around.
Ciel felt a small tap on his shoulder, he immediately turned around.  What he saw was a small blond boy with nothing on but a ripped t-shirt and a pair of tan shorts that went above the knees.


This day just keeps getting better and better.

To be continued...

Sorry it's short. I'm writing this at work lol,

 I'm writing this at work lol,

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