Chapter Twenty Eight

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Nobunon, hestia, & Alex stepped out the front door expecting to see ciel  and Sebastian out front and ready to leave, but all they saw was a very pissed off crow demon and an empty horse drawn carriage.

"Where is the boy?" Nobunon questioned even though he already knew the answer.

" Our master has been taken, once again. I need you three to fetch him. Consider this you training mission. Failure is not an option. If you do not return with our master there will be severe consequences." Sebastian's word struck them as if they were laced with poison. Even nobunon could sence to the seriousness in Sebastian's tone.
" I assume this happens  often, I don't have the patience for tasks like this. Il leave this one to (y/n)"  with those last word nobunon dropped to the floor. " Does he always have to faint? " Alex thought as he stared down at the lifeless body on the floor. " Ugh! My head is killing me, did I just get in a fight?" (Y/n) question as he started to stand up. " No but you did just hit you head." Alex replied with a cute smile. (Y/n)'s  has a confused expression on his face. " Why are you smiling than?"  He  said as he approached Alex.  Alex bashfully turned his head and a small tint of pink coated his cheeks. " I just missed you, thats all. That nobunon guy is scary but your kind."   He said sweetly.   " Now is not the time for formal greatings or conversations. You need to head out the master won't save himself."  Sebastian said with a blank expression. "Wait, what are we saving him from?! What did I miss?" (Y/n) exclaimed. Sebastian rubbed his temple with frustration. " To make this short, out master has been kidnapped. We don't who or where. Your job is to find him and bring him back, alive." Sebastian said  as he turned his back to the trio. Sebastian than walked away, and as he walked he said one more thing. " I already have cute little cage just for you Alex" he said with a sadistic smile. Alex shivered in fear as he gripped (y/n)'s tail coat.  Sebastian than left.

"Well, that was terrifying, does anyone else need a change of underwear?" Alex jokingly said.
"How can you joke at a time like this? Our master is missing and his psychotic butler is threatening to kill us and cage you?" (Y/n) questioned with a confused expression.

"Well, from what I've seen you're much stronger than him. I know when the time comes you'll protect me." Alex said confidently.

"Don't hold you breath when that time does come, because I'm pretty sure he'll end us all." (Y/n)  said with panic in his voice.

"What are you, an elderly lady? How can you possibly forget the things you've done in the past 24 hour" hestia exclaimed while waving her hand around like a maniac, until her wrist went limp. Hestia scowled in pain holder wrist in agony. 

"Shit! I forgot, can you fix this?" Hestia said while raising her now limp wrist up to (y/n).  (Y/n) looked quite confused. "How do you expect me to do that?" (Y/n) questioned. Hestia looked dumbfounded. Hestia than looked at Alex. Does he have dementia or something?

"Don't bother, you probably won't get that fixed untill "He" comes back. (Y/n) doesn't always know what nobunon is up to. If you want to speed up the process try killing him, but I wouldn't recommend that." Alex said with a sly smile know that hestia will never attempted such a thing.

"Yeah.. no I rather not get all my bones broken again. I like them exactly where they are think you." Replied hestia.

"Okay we should probably get going." (Y/n) reminded them with a clap of his hands.

"Since your are our self preclaimed leader, how do you think we should start." Hestia retorted.

"Well, we can start by checking out the very noticeable tire tracks right behind you." (Y/n) said pointing  to tracks trailing behind them in the direction of the woods.

Both hestia and Alex turned around in unison to see a pair of very noticeable track leading from the manor. "How did I miss that?" Hestia said as she questioned herself.

" I'm not going in there." Alex said with a frown.

"Oh come on it can't be that bad." (Y/n). Said  as a lone wolf howl could heard in the distance.

To be continued...

(Fractured) Black Butler x Male Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now