A new friend

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Nanako POV:
After going hunting with Natsuno I barely got back to bed before sunrise. Strange though I didn't get to see anymore of Tatsumi... he must have been busy.

-The next night-

I woke just after sunset and decided to go for a night out besides I'm sure if anyone needs me they'll find me.

Getting changed I decided to wear my work outfit since I will probably decide to go hiking.(ps. Don't have the gun with them)

I also wore my hair up so not to get in the way

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I also wore my hair up so not to get in the way.

Setting off I ran out saying hi to the waking Shiki as I made my way through the abandoned part of the village

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Setting off I ran out saying hi to the waking Shiki as I made my way through the abandoned part of the village. Climbing to the top of the roof I sit enjoying the silence. Then I hear someone sobbing and turn around to find that Masao kid looking at me. Jumping down I calmly walk over to him and wave.
"Hi I'm Nanako and your Masao right?"
He looks at me before nodding.
"Are you ok you seem troubled?"
Turning his head to look around us he faces me pointing at himself.
I nod.
"Why do you care?"
The coldness in his voice almost makes me feel the need to snap at him but if I do that all that'll come is trouble.
"Well I heard you crying and giving what I heard about your family it sounds like they rather listen to your nephew then you."
Masao looked astonished before smiling and quickly nodding taking a step closer.
"Exactly all I hear is Hiromo this Hiromo that never once are you ok Masao? Can I help you Masao? Not once in fact they don't even want me there!"
Act or not I was genuinely worried now. What family acts like that I mean me and Natsuno have had pretty bad problems but at least we come back for each other!
"That's horrible!"

Masao POV:
This Nanako girl is really great. I mean finally someone who understands what's happening to me!

-An hour later-

We've been talking an hour and Nanako really does get my point of view.
"Do you have any siblings?"
Odd she almost seemed tense at the question.
"Yeah my twin brother Natsuno. I admit he's not the best with people in fact we're pretty much opposites but he is there for me when I need it most. In his own way."
I gawked.
"How can someone as kind as you be related to someone so- so..."
She giggled.
"Someone so cold hearted?"
We look at each other and smile. Suddenly I hear my brother yelling my name.
"Oh no not him..."
"Maybe I should be going."
She turned to leave but quickly turned and gave me a piece of paper.
"I wouldn't recommend it at the day but if you happen to be up before sunrise or up after sunset just give me a call. Even if it's as little as saying hi or wanting to meet up and talk about how your doing."
I looked at her and smiled. Bowing my head in thanks we waved goodbye as she disappeared into the night.
"Masao there you are! I'm so sorry I- hey what you got there?"
Looking down I see her number and the word friend on the bottom. Friend...

-with Tatsumi-

Tatsumi POV:
I had just gone out to see Nanako after not finding her in the mansion when I saw her talking to some punk human kid. To say I was mad was an understatement she was befriending the enemy! Then to top it all of she gave him her number and one of her smiles. Following her, she fed of a villager telling them to try and act normal but not to strain themselves before explaining she would meet them there tomorrow.
"You don't remember any of this and you won't strain yourself but don't let anyone know your under the weather ok?"
The guy nods.
"Great now meet me here at the same time tomorrow. Bye!"
And just like that she walks of as the person snaps out of the daze and collapses. This gaining her attention, Nanako walks over and helps them to their house before bowing and leaving. I have to hand it to her she's a good actress.
Running after her I see her stop in the forest.
"How much did you see Tatsumi?"
My anger starting up I walked over to her and started yelling.
"What was that?!"
"I was feeding? Or are you referring to sitting on a roof in plain view?"
"Cut the wise crap you were talking to that Masao kid!"
"...Your point? He will be turned but I was simply being friendly to gain access to his house."
I growl at her and she tenses.
"Were you spying on me?!"
"So what if I was?! You are going to get us killed if you act so care free!"
She scoffs anger brimming in her eyes.
"Admit it you don't trust me to keep the secret."
"At this rate no I don't!"
Growling herself she comes up to face me. Big mistake.
"If you want to act like your suddenly above me go ahead!"
"Fine I will!"
Turning my back on her she walks away as I start to head back.

-Five days later-

Tatsumi POV:
It's been five days yet Nanako still talks to that human. But why does my chest hurt so much to see her hate me and like someone else..?

Nanako POV:
It's been five days and I've explained the situation about Tatsumi the best I can to Masao. He believes we just bumped into each other and bonded quickly no two years mansion thing. It's sweet actually he always leaves the window open and will always be there for me just like I'm there for him.
"Hey Nanako how ya doing?"
I smile as I answer.
"Fine, I'll pull through. How about you?"
He huffs in annoyance.
"Same as ever..."
"Have you ever considered leaving? Like I don't know, it's impossible, but to become a vampire and not worry about those who hate you."
For a few minutes he stays silent before answering.
"I guess that's extreme but ya a few times. Why?"
"What about now?"
Again he looks thoughtful but smiles.
"As long as your there I suppose I don't really care."
I smile.
"In that case..."
Quickly explaining what I actually am to him I told him the hardships and how happy I was to finally talk to someone and act like it never happened. At the end he smiled a bit.
"I see that explains the vampire example.."
I nod.
"Do you want me to change you?"
Looking at me he smiles and nods and we agree to start his change tomorrow night.
"Oh no it's nearly sunrise I'll see you later!"
Nodding we quickly hug to his surprise though still he hugs back and waves as I leave.

Tatsumi POV:
Where is she all the Shiki are back except for her.. I was about to go looking for her when Nanako quickly ran in her skin slightly burned from the sun as she slams her door shut. What happened she's never been so late! Ugh, I bet she was talking to that Masao boy! I'll have to force her to sit the next night out before she blows our cover.

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