We meet again

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Natsuno POV:
It's been 3 weeks since I saw them, since I saw her. Tohru is dead, Megumi killed him and yet while doctor Ozaki knows as well no one can do anything till we have a way to stop them. Unfortunately they somehow managed to get into the clinic and take Ozaki's wife meaning there's no way to test how to kill the Shiki.

Still I don't get why Megumi didn't kill me the night I saw her. Was it because Nanako was there? I know it's dangerous but I have to know if she's ok. She's my sister I can't just sit and wait any longer.

*tap, tap, tap*

Huh, what was that?
Getting up I walked over to my window and brought up the blinds. Once I saw who it was I opened the window and pulled her in making sure no other Shiki were out.
"No one else came Natsuno."
Stopping my actions I turned to look at Nanako. She looked like she was about to say something but I stopped her and hugged her as tight as I could.
"I'm never letting you out of my sight again."
Hesitating for a second she hugged me back relaxin in my embrace.
"Natsuno I hate to ask this but can you let me go I haven't fed and I don't want to risk it."
Letting go she wiped away a stray tear from my face and gave me one of her little smiles.
"Do you kill people?"
She seemed saddened by my question and nodded "If I don't I'll die from starvation and only human blood can give us the nutrition we need. If there was any other way I would take it but there isn't."
I clenched my fists at her answer and she seemed to notice.
"Can't you take from blood banks?"
She shook her head.
"We need invites to enter a building and that means we would need to come forward and tell people but then we would be hunted down by those who can't except us. So either way people have to die."
What?! Is that really what she thinks of course there's another way there has to be! Calming myself I asked my last question.
"Why did you leave two years ago?"
"I didn't know how to control myself and it was safer for you. Mum and dad too. So I went with Tatsumi who looked after me and helped me."
She r-replaced me..? I thought I meant something to her.
"You replaced me in your life?!"
"What no-"
"What he was there for you and became your family because I was dead to you?!"
"Then what is he to you?!"
"H-he is special to me but he doesn't replace you no one could he just treats me kindly-"
"What and I don't?!"
"Natsuno th-"
I couldn't take anymore and slapped her. Then I saw tears in her eyes but right now I couldn't care less. She jumped out the window and ran until a man came out of the bushes and she fell in to his arms. Tatsumi I'm guessing. He sat there and hugged Nanako trying to calm her down before motioning for someone to come out. Megumi came up and took my sister of into the forest while Tatsumi came up to the window.
"You must be Tatsumi."
He growled getting as close to me as possible.
"Ever strike her again and I don't care if she begs me not to you will die. Nanako was scared and couldn't go to you for fear of your life so she came with me. I call her my family because of how good friends we are not because she replaced you though after tonight she has every right to. So a word of advice, keep away from her."

-Two weeks later-

Tatsumi POV:
I'm worried about Nanako. Not long after the incident with her brother he tried to kill both Tohru and her. To make matters even worse the guy rises as a jinrou. Nanako moves a bit in my arms and I look up to see it's nearly sunset. Ever since the incidents she's begged me to stay as long as I can when she sleeps for fear of Natsuno.

Suddenly the door opens and Natsuno walks over to the bed with Tohru on the door frame motioning for me to hear him out.
"What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same question. But if you must know I'm keeping an eye on her till sunset."
He goes quite looking at Nanako's sleeping form then back to me when I tighten my grip.
"Doesn't look like watching."
"No? Well she sleeps better knowing I'm here."
Again he goes quite trying to figure out what to do next.
"Tell her I was looking for her when she wakes." And with that leaves with Tohru.

Yeah, like I'm gonna tell her.

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