Voltron characters as weird stuff I say/do kinda often

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Shiro: *about to do something that will probably go wrong* *whispers to closest friend* "If I die, no one gets my organs. Also, you better cry on my funeral. If you don't, my ghost will hunt you down. Gosh, I wish I was dead right now."

Hunk: *in the cafeteria at least once a month* "Can I have 15 nuggets, please?"

Lance: "Straight society is the only group in which I can't fit in."

Keith: "I just want world stupidity to END! Is it too much to ask?!"

Pidge: *explains an enormous movie plot to someone, focusing on every detail and not forgetting anything* "You didn't listen to s***, did you?"

Allura: *to crazy bffs I can't live without* "I don't know why I'm friends with you guys."

Coran: *randomly starts singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" for no particular reason*

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