The Impossible Girl...

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Hello I'm Clara. My full name is Clara Oswin Oswald. Doctor, have I met you before? The name Doctor sounds familiar to me

Doctor-- Oh my god souffle girl?... Yes we have met but you haven’t met me in this version that you're in right now you are my impossible girl, Clara the woman twice dead the only mystery worth solving

Amy-- Doctor what are you talking about?

Rory yeah... Wait, isn't Oswin the name of that girl that we met on--

Doctor-- The Dalek Asylum yes

Rory-- But she died

Doctor-- Yes she did but here she is again Clara Oswin Oswald

Amy-- Wait this is the same person?!?!

Doctor-- Yes, well then Amy Rory we have to go!

Amy-- Where?

Doctor-- to find her, to find Clara... *smirks* right then Clara Oswald time to find out who you are...

Ask the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Clara and RiverWhere stories live. Discover now