It's an Honor to Meet you!

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Hello Everyone! Doctor it's truly an honor to meet you

Doctor-- I know it is :)

Amy-- Doctor... *eye roll*

Doctor-- Okay okay fine I'll shut up

Amy-- That's a good bloke *pats head*

Doctor-- Remember I am not a bloke I am a space Gandalf

Rory-- I have no idea whats going on... what the hell is a space Gandalf?

Doctor-- Well you see--

Amy-- Oh for the love of god...just let her finish!

You too Amy

Amy-- *Smiles*

Oh and Rory's here too! *laughs nervously* Sorry...

Rory-- It's fine squeak just relax *Smiles*

Anyway before I can embarrass myself more here are the questions. Doctor what is the craziest most fun planet you've ever been on?

Doctor-- Well that would have to be the first time I ever went to Hedgewick's World Of Wonders. I was there with Sarah Jane I was still only on my fourth face... moving on well we went on this amazing roller coaster there were a bunch of big drops and loopty loops! It was quite fun, once we got off of the I fell over and hurt my face... and Sarah, well there was a little stream beside her she fell in and started cursing at me she said that she would choke me to death if she ever went on something like that again because I might of sort of forced he to come with me. Long story short I said if she didn't come I would watch in her sleep every night so naturally she agreed.

Amy what was your first impression of the Doctor?

Amy-- Oh um Sorry about this Doctor...

Doctor-- wait what? Sorry I wasn't listening I was busy reading this text I got from River *goofy grin*

Amy-- *Eye roll* well, since he probably wont be listening I might as well say whatever comes to mind. When I first met the Doctor I thought he was well... Weird no wait I still do, but I think what gave me that impression was how he came out of that rustic time machine and what he first said to me “can I have an apple? All I can think about apples, I think I might be having a craving! That's new never had cravings before...” That silly old raggedy man, once I got to know him a little more I thought he might have well, how do I say this nicely I thought he had brain damage because of what he wanted to eat... and--

Rory-- What did he want to eat?

Amy-- Like I said before do not interrupt me... but since you asked he wanted to eat and did eat Fish fingers and custard

Rory-- Okay that Sounds like the Doctor...

Doctor-- Hey! Don't think I didn't hear any of that I do not have brain damage!

Amy-- well I thought you did! But not anymore!

Rory-- while they fight I’ll just... read the last question...

Rory Uh... um...Can I have a hug? *smiles*

Rory-- Sure here *digital hug* now lilypotterjd you can have as many hugs as you want... okay that must have sounded weird but *turns around* What! No Amy do not push the Doctor down the stairs!

Ask the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Clara and RiverWhere stories live. Discover now