Harry Potter and Souffles

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Alright everyone. I've got another round of questions if that's okay *smiles*

Clara-- It's fine!

Doctor-- We don't mind at all You can ask 100 questions and I wont be mad! *smiles*

I may be a bit obnoxious. You can call me Jessie by the way.

Doctor-- sure thing... Jessie oh I have some good nick names for that! Jesse, Jess-eh, JJ, Je--

River-- Okay we’ve heard enough

Doctor-- Sorry... got a bit carried away there... on to the questions!

Doctor I just want to say I love how you support the bow ties. Where did you find out about them?

Doctor-- Well when I first came to Earth and saw people wearing them I thought they looked.....cool and I thank you I need to support them because they are so so so so whats the word Amy?

Amy-- *Sigh* cool?

Doctor-- Exactly!

Amy do you like Harry Potter? Random question, Just asking.

Amy-- I love Harry Potter that reminds me Doctor you said you would take me, Rory and Clara to Hogwarts two chapters ago!

Doctor-- Sorry but I've been busy answering questions!

Amy-- I want to meet the golden trio!

Doctor-- Fine after “this” Chapter!

Amy-- I knew you wouldn't let me down *smiles sweetly then walks away humming*

Rory-- *Walks up to the Doctor* woman we will never understand them

Doctor-- I know...

River what is the nicest thing the Doctor has ever said to you?

River-- well he said that I was the most beautiful and important woman in the whole entire universe and very single parallel universe that ever existed then he took me to see the singing towers of Darillium

Clara-- awww. How sweet! Doctor I didn't know you could be like that

Doctor-- Well I hide that part of me unless Rivers here, but anyway next question

Clara can you teach me how to make a souffle sometime?

Clara-- Sure I don't see any problem in teaching you do you want me to teach you mu mum's recipe or mine?

Doctor-- Clara how about you make a souffle for dinner?

Clara-- that would be great I'll be in the kitchen if you need me!

Rory first things first, thank you for the hug! Second, YOU LIKE FIREFLY TOO? I THOUGHT I WAS A LONER!!!

Rory-- You're welcome! And seriously you I thought I was the only one too! Hey Amy guess what?!

Amy-- what is it?

Rory-- someone else loves Firefly I told you it was great!

Amy-- Rory it is not great Pretty Little Liars is great no actually it's AMAZING so enough of you show and try watching mine because I think--

Rory-- Amy I will never watch your show not in a million years. At least try watching Firefl--

Amy-- I did and I didn't like it now you say you hate Pretty Little Liars and you haven't even seen one episode!

Rory-- I have!

Amy-- you only listened to the theme song and even that was only once!

Ask the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Clara and RiverWhere stories live. Discover now