Guilty Fangirl...

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I'm back again, sorry I feel like I'm being annoying :|

River-- Don't worry love it's okay we don't mind at all it's a pleasure having you ask all of these questions!

Rory what is Firefly? What's it about and where can I find it?

Rory-- Well The series takes place in the year 2517, on a variety of planets and moons. The TV series does not reveal whether these celestial bodies are within one star system, only saying that Serenity's mode of propulsion is a "gravity-drive". The film Serenity makes clear that all the planets and moons are in one large system, and production documents related to the film indicate that there is no faster-than-light travel in this universe. The characters occasionally refer to "Earth-that-was", and the film establishes that, long before the events in the series, a large population had emigrated from Earth to a new star system in generation ships:[9] "Earth-that-was could no longer sustain our numbers, we were so many". The emigrants established themselves in this new star system, with "dozens of planets and hundreds of moons". Many of these were terraformed, a process in which a planet or moon is altered to resemble Earth. The terraforming process was only the first step in making a planet habitable, however, and the outlying settlements often did not receive any further support in the construction of their civilizations. This resulted in many of the border planets and moons having forbidding, dry environments, well-suited to the Western genre. And I think you can find it on Netflix

Also what is the most romantic thing you think you did for Amy?

Rory-- Well I waited 2000 years for her I think that would have to be it *smiles*

Melody I have several, Sorry.

River-- It's fine like I said earlier

And I haven't said Hi yet so nice to meet you!

River-- Hello it's nice to meet you too! *smiles*

What's you're favourite book? Also what is the most romantic thing the Doctor has ever DONE for you?

River-- Well he took me ice skating in the year 1963 and ended up bringing my favourite singer in the whole world Stevie Wonder he then kissed me and said I love you Melody Pond I will cherish knowing you for my whole life...And my favourite book is Summer Falls by Amelia Williams

One last one, did you two ever actually get married aside from that ten second ceremony?

River-- We will soon we finally decided to do it the right way, a nice wedding he did promise me

Amy is it weird that the Doctor is dating Melody?

Amy-- Well I guess I thought it was weird at first but I have to get used to it I mean they are married...

Also have you read the PLL books? What's your favourite book?

Amy-- I haven't read the books yet sorry but like I mentioned earlier I will be reading them soon, now my favourite book if you mean from PLL then I don't know yet. If you mean in general It would have to be Devil in the smoke by Justin Richards *smiles*

Doctor I don't really have a question........ guilt has arisen.

Doctor-- Don't feel bad I seriously don't care you ask as many questions as you want * smiles nicely and cutely*

Um...... Can you stop Sherlock from the Rechingback fall for me?

Doctor-- I'm so sorry sweetheart but I can't it's a fixed point in time wish I coul though... *small sad smile*

Clara I haven't said hi to you either! I feel guilty, Hi. Nice to meet you * smiles and waves*

Clara-- Hi! *smiles and waves back* please don't feel that way it's fine really

Okay so what's the one thing or place you want to do while travelling ( like go to a certain era or something)

Clara-- Well I’ve always wanted to meet Leonardo Da Vinci and maybe see him paint the Mona Lisa that would be very cool!

Doctor-- well why didn't you tell me!

Clara-- Because when you ask me were to go I forget everything kind of like when there’s a test, you remember everything then once you get it you forget everything

Doctor-- Ah...

Also what's your favourite TV series, book and movie?

Cara-- Well my favourite TV series would have to be Pretty Little Liars me and Amy always watch it together my favourite book would have to be Jules Vern Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Now my favourite movie is... Divergent

River-- Oh I love that movie!

Amy-- I love when they go into the training and Tobias helps her through her fears the Dauntless way

Okay. I am probably getting annoying

Amy-- No you aren't don't worry! *smiles*

But to all, I think my neighbours have a Weeping Angle in their yard...... what do I do? Besides don't blink........

Doctor-- try to get it to look in a mirror for example bring a little hand mirror and once the Angle is in the right position put it in it's hands... until then wait for me I'll come and see what I can do...

Ask the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Clara and RiverWhere stories live. Discover now