Kissing is gross...

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DOCTOR When you said you had children in like the second season, was it with River or Queen Elizabeth the 1st ;)

Doctor-- well It wasn't with either It was my family back on Gallifrey they were all killed by Daleks...

Oh and since Jessie said her name, I might as well say mine. Well my nickname, I'm a Timelord! My 'name' is Maddy.

Doctor-- Well then hello Maddy it's a pleasure to meet you and... wait did you say Timelord?

We met once Doctor

Doctor-- Really we did?

Well you don't remember

Doctor-- Okay that explains allot...

ANYWAYS. River, can you please stop kissing the doctor when answering questions? It's very gross

River-- I'll do what I can to restrain my affection but what if the Doctor makes the first move? *smirks*

And Amy and Rory don't like it either (back me up on this or you die)

Amy-- O-okay I don't want to die so I'll try...

Rory--......... uh....... moving on!

Clara I'm not weirder than the Doctor. And My TARDIS like me.

Clara-- well maybe that' because you pretend to be weird and maybe the TARDIS is still just not used to me and...

Doctor-- *looks at her*

Clara-- Fine I give up! But seriously why dose he TARDIS not like me!?

Doctor-- Maybe because you're mean to her you shake your wet umbrella in the TARDIS and you always get mad at her!

Clara-- Its not my fault the TARDIS wouldn't show me where the kitchen was! I just wanted to make a souffle!

Amy tell the Doctor that now, I agree with you, bow ties are in fact ridiculous.

Amy-- Well it's nice to hear that someone else agrees with me, HEY DOCTOR!

Doctor-- Yes coming! What is it?

Amy-- Someone was kind enough to agree with me that bow ties are ridiculous

Doctor-- They are NOT RIDICULOUS! They're cool *pouts cutely and walks away*

Rory... Hi

Rory-- Hello *waves and smiles*

Doctor-- is that it?

Rory-- I think that’s all she had to say to me...

Ask the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Clara and RiverWhere stories live. Discover now