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0.05 - Saturday 9:22 p.m.

Maverick Bale

"Oh my god! Mav, my best friend!" Lauren shrieks. She sprints at me and practically flings herself around my waist. I try my best to keep my balance and not topple backward.

"Hey Lauren," I say, setting her down. She bounces on the ground, a movement that would've been fine if her shirt hadn't been so tight and revealing. I know that all my friends are staring at her boobs right now. "What's up?"

Lauren smiles and tucks a strand of black hair behind her ear. "Nothing much. Everyone's in the living room." Beside me, Alex and Hunter shift in place restlessly.

Lauren leads us past the foyer and towards the center of the house, through a hallway with familiar photos of Lauren as a baby, in her school uniform, and with other relatives. Upon entering the living room, shouts and whistles erupt. On the couch, I notice some girls from other schools, like Summerfield School for Girls, the sister school of Northview, and Trinity High, a public school across town. I also see girls from Hilltop, unfortunately including Beverly, who sits squished between Lola and Sarah, friends of Lauren.

"Hey babe!" Beverly says with a flirtatious wave. I sneak a glance towards Rhys, but he only smiles and waves back. Faker. There's no way Rhys enjoys Beverly's presence. It's like eating chocolate covered dog food, which, incidentally, is my nickname for Beverly.

"Wanna go outside?" Rhys asks, apparently cutting to the chase. Beverly grins, and lifts herself up quickly, squealing as she runs to the backyard. Rhys walks after her, but not before catching my eye. I try to decipher his expression, but it's like trying to decode a brick wall.

"I hate disgustingly cute couples," Lola says, crinkling her nose and twisting a strand of her auburn hair around her finger. I stare out the glass door, trying to find where Rhys went, but they must be hiding around the bend.

"They aren't official, are they?" Alex asks. Sarah rolls her eyes.

"Why, Alex? Planning on using and discarding another girl?" Sarah asks, raising her eyebrow confidently at Alex.

"Burn," Hunter says, laughing. Alex touches his chest with a flat hand.

"That hurt, Sarah. But you know that Beverly isn't like other girls," Alex says. Hunter doubles over, trying to cover up his laughter. Sarah's jaw drops open, and she crosses her arms.

"Asshole," she says.

"Just stop guys," Lola intervenes, patting Sarah gently on the arm. "Alex, stop being a dick and go get us some vodka from the kitchen?"

"Yes ma'am," Alex says with a cheeky smile, dashing away from Sarah's glare. Alex can be such an idiot sometimes. Actually, on second thought, all the time.

"Yo, where's the music at?" Tristan shouts. We all laugh, and Lauren gets out her phone. A moment later, Travis Scott pounds out of a nearby portable speaker. Tristan cheers as Alex comes back with two large bottles of vodka, and a few red solo cups.

"That's not enough for everyone," Sarah says.

"Guess we'll have to share," Alex suggests, smirking.

Sarah's face pinches. "Gross."

"Not like we haven't before," Alex says, wiggling his eyebrows. Sarah grabs a pillow and throws it at him, narrowly missing his face. He takes the pillow and throws it back softly, messing up Sarah's hair.

"Omg! You're disgusting," Sarah whines, patting down her ombré dyed hair.

"Just go get a room already," Jules says impatiently. Alex smiles, obviously in favor of that, while Sarah grimaces and mimics vomiting in her hand.

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