
19.8K 803 435

0.23 - Sunday 3:24 p.m.

Rhys Wyer

We last for two weeks. But I have to admit, those two weeks were heavenly.

Or at least, as heavenly as it could be while trying to keep us a secret from Beverly along with the rest of the world.

We never talked during school. During breaks, we never stood in the same circles. At lunch, we sat at opposite ends of the table. If Beverly was around, I would sometimes go so far as to glare at Mav. The first time I did that, I caught Beverly smirking triumphantly, and wasn't that hilarious. We even went to different parties on Fridays and Saturdays.

Then after school we'd switch off taking Ubers to each other's houses, just in case Beverly wanted to stop by and check for my Range Rover in Mav's driveway. On the weekends, we did the same thing, except occasionally we went to the river (arriving at different times) or some other, obscure, public place that we knew Beverly would never set foot in.

Although the paranoia of Beverly watching us slowly crept in on me, we still had fun. My favorite times were when I slept over at Mav's house on Friday or Saturday night, and we'd wake up in each other's arms the next morning with the knowledge that Mav's workaholic parents and sister were not at home. The first time it happened, Mav suggested casually that we should take a shower.

I didn't realize what he meant until he stopped at the bathroom door, very naked and very smug, and asked if I was coming, pun very much intended.

"Your puns are terrible," I had said, but I shimmied out of my pajamas anyways, following him to the shower. And then to my absolute surprise, Mav actually started washing my hair.

"I love your hair," Mav had murmured, his lips brushing my neck, before he pressed the length of his body against my back. His left hand, secure in the strands of my hair, tilted my head so he could trail hot kisses down my neck, while his right hand slid over my stomach, gliding lower and lower.

And then Mav had turned me around, pressed me up against the wall, and promptly dropped to his knees.

Yes, those were good times.

Sometimes, though, it felt like my past was catching up with me, like I had been running as fast as the wind and then the wind had started to slow down.

After half-assing our homework, things would get a little heated. Clothes would come off and drop off the side of the bed, hands would wander, skin hot and slick. And then one day, Mav broke away, breathing heavily.

"You know you could always try anything you want, right?" he had asked. My hands froze on their path down his back. Beverly in her room without a shirt on flashed through my mind. What are you waiting for?

I knew that Mav wanted to have sex. Of course. He's a teenage boy. And I wanted to have sex too. This was different than Beverly.

With Beverly, I couldn't stand the thought of having sex with her. With Mav, I wanted to have sex with him so badly that it never felt like the right time.

"I know," I had told him, faking a smile, before I wrapped a hand around his dick and kissed him so he would momentarily forget he ever said anything.

I knew I had nothing to worry about. Mav would never pressure me into sex, not consciously at least. But I could sense his restlessness. I knew it was only a matter of time before he brought the subject up.

"So, I was just wondering," Mav had said one night after a particularly heavy hook up in his bedroom, "if you have ever thought about sex."

I raised an eyebrow. Of course I've thought about sex.

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