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0.20 - Monday 11:19 a.m.

Maverick Bale

The cafeteria bean and cheese burrito has never looked less appetizing. I wonder if it's because I saw the cafeteria lady pull them out of the fridge earlier or because Rhys hasn't looked at me once today.

At least he's still sitting at the table with me. Most of our group has splintered off ever since Rhys and Beverly's fight. Tristan, Hunter, and Alex sit with us, but Jules and the girls are nowhere to be found.

"Are you okay dude?" Tristan asks Rhys, and after an elbowing from Alex, awkwardly adds, "I mean, besides the whole thing with... you know."

Rhys barely lifts his gaze from the table, shrugging.

I'm not even sure I've heard him speak all day. I can understand why, if I'm being honest. Yesterday morning I ran out after we...after his mom came in. I guess I freaked out and didn't know what to do, so I left. Stupid, I know, but his mom walking in so suddenly like that was a real wake up call.

And now Rhys won't look at me or talk to me.

"Are you sure?" Tristan asks.

"Leave him alone Tristan," I snap. Rhys's eyes flicker up at me in surprise before they settle on the table again. Tristan looks hurt, and Hunter watches the exchange curiously.

"He's just moody because he didn't get to fuck Beverly," Alex says after a bite of food.

"Shut the fuck up," I say, but the damage is done and Rhys stands up abruptly, stalking out of the cafeteria. "Great job, Alex," I mutter before standing up and jogging after Rhys's retreating figure, ignoring Hunter's sharp gaze following me.

Rhys beelines it for the restrooms that line the side of the cafeteria. I don't call after him, instead waiting for the door to close before following him inside.

"Rhys—" I stop when I see him. His hands brace the edge of the sink, and his head hangs forward, as if he's barely holding up. That strand of hair falls over his forehead. "Rhys?"

Rhys shakes his head, as if willing to get rid of me, or escape to the safety of his room.

"Rhys, please," I say quietly. He doesn't move, staring down at the white marble of the sink. "Say something. Please. I'm sorry, okay? Seeing your mom after...it scared me."

Rhys's jaw clenches, but he remains silent.

"Just say something, Rhys."

I take a step forward, and Rhys's head whips up, his mouth twisted in a scowl but his eyes wide with fear.

"Fuck you, Mav," Rhys says, with enough force to push me back a step. "After what happened, after everything you said and I said about...about this, you left. You didn't say a word and then you never texted, even to say you weren't mad. Fuck you for making me feel like shit."

"Rhys, I'm sorry," I say, shocked by his confession, but his face is dark and thunderous, and I'm smart enough not to go after him when Rhys storms out of the restrooms.


Rhys avoids me for the rest of the day, going to classes early and keeping his hood on.

"What's up with him?" Tristan asks, baffled, as Rhys passes us without even looking. His shuttered expression makes him look like he's trying to become invisible.

"Let him do his thing," I say casually, trying to mask my own concern. Tristan buys it, but Hunter's lingering gaze on me says otherwise.

"What's happening this Friday?" Hunter asks. Tristan shrugs uncertainly. It's weird to see him without Alex, who's probably still annoyed with my comment and prefers the company of Sarah. Whatever, I could care less about Alex right now.

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