
19K 793 347

0.29 - Tuesday 3:19 p.m.

Rhys Wyer

It's official. I love the end of school. Not that I didn't before, because it meant I could finally go home, but now it means something else. I get to hold Maverick's hand as we walk back to my car. And the great thing about Mav's concussion is that he doesn't have lacrosse practice so I can drive him home and we can hang out at his house. Do homework, study diligently, that sort of thing.

As we walk across the quad, I see Beverly run across, a complete mess, sobbing with her hair flying out of her low bun, glasses askew. She disappears around the building that leads to the arches. Something tugs in my chest.

"I have to do something. You go to my car. I'll be there in five minutes," I tell Mav, who gives me a strange look. I shrug, unsure what to say, because I don't even know what I'm doing.

Mav continues walking to my car while I head around the building toward the arches. I find Beverly curled up in one of the niches, wiping at her tear stained cheeks. It's sort of annoying that she looks pretty even while crying.

"Hi Beverly," I say awkwardly. She looks up startled, and when she sees me, she narrows her eyes.

"Here to curse me out too? Everybody already hates me," Beverly says, her voice thick with tears. I want to tell her that she brought this on herself, but there's something vulnerable in her posture that holds me back.

"No, I'm not. I actually just wanted to apologize," I say, and Beverly looks as surprised as I am for a few seconds, before she laughs bitterly.

"You're kidding," Beverly says.

"I'm really not. I want to apologize for leading you on. And for calling you names. Even though you did a lot of horrible things I won't forget, I'm not going to keep holding them against you," I say.

Beverly looks away, biting her lip. I wait for her to say something, but when she stays silent for a good thirty seconds, I know it's time to leave.

"Goodbye Beverly," I say quietly and walk back to my car. I would have liked for Beverly to apologize, possibly kneel in front of me and beg for my forgiveness, but that rarely happened in real life. It didn't really matter anyway, because I said what I wanted to say, what I had to say, and it feels pretty damn good.


"How did it go?" Mav asks me once I merge onto the freeway.

I shrug. "I said what I needed to say." Out of the corner of my eye I see Mav look oddly surprised and maybe a bit proud.

"Good for you," Mav says. "God knows I couldn't say anything other than 'fuck you' to that bitch."

We arrive at Mav's house a few minutes later. The lights are on and there are two cars parked in the driveway.

"Looks like everyone's home," I say. Mav hums in agreement.

"Good thing we were only planning on studying," Mav says. I look sideways at him, and he cracks a lopsided grin. "Kidding. This fucking sucks."

"Is it okay if I'm coming over?" I ask.

"Sure," Mav says, his voice coming out high and broken.

"That's reassuring."

We get out anyway and walk towards the front door. As soon as we open it, I wish we hadn't. Maverick's parents are shouting at each other in the middle of the living room.

"...old enough to make his own decisions!" Cameron shouts.

"When he turns eighteen that's when I'll consider him old enough. Until then, he has to follow our rules!" Mav's dad, Bill, yells back.

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