
17.9K 778 420

0.28 - Monday 6:00 a.m.

Maverick Bale

Ring, ring, ring!

No, not right now. A couple more seconds.

"Maverick wake up! You can't be late anymore!"

Just a few more seconds.

"I hope you and Rhys didn't stay up late last night!"

Rhys. The memories of last night come rushing back, a blur of Rhys's green eyes, soft lips, sharp pain, and pulsing pleasure. Could that really have happened? Did we really...

I start to sit up and wince at how sore I am. Yep, definitely happened. We had sex. A grin spreads across my lips. Rhys and I had sex. Rhys fucked me. Holy fucking shit!

My phone vibrates on my nightstand. I pick it up.

Jules: good luck today bro

Me: thanks. Hopefully i don't have to throw any punches

It sounds like a joke, but it's really not. I'd beat the shit out of anyone who tries to insult Rhys and I. It'd be worth the suspension. I decide to text Rhys. He's my boyfriend, I'm allowed to be cheesy.

Me: i love you

Rhys: i love you too

My grin grows wider. Wow, I'm fucked. Pun intended. I nearly laugh out loud.

Rhys picks me up half an hour later. It's sort of out of his way so usually my mom drops me off, but today we need the extra support.

"Good morning," I say, sliding into the passenger seat and kissing Rhys on the cheek. He turns his head so I take advantage of it and kiss his lips.

"Are you okay?" Rhys asks, blushing, while putting the car in drive.

I shrug. "A little sore, but otherwise I'm great." Rhys blushes even darker, and I laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just...you're so fucking hot when you blush it drives me crazy," I say, smirking when this causes a red flush down Rhys's neck.

"Stop," Rhys says halfheartedly, keeping his eyes trained on the road in front.

"Stop what?"

"Stop flirting."

"Why should I?" I ask.

"Aren't you worried?" he says, biting his lip like he regrets asking.

"A little, I guess." I place a hand on his thigh, watching his eyes flick to my hand, to my face, and then back to the road. "But really what's the worst that can happen?"

Rhys groans. "Whenever someone in a movie says that, the worst happens. Now one of us is gonna get killed. Great. And it's gonna be me probably, so thanks Maverick."

I choke on a laugh. "Holy fuck, you're freaking out!"

"No shit!" Rhys says, his eyes going wide. "I'm about to out myself to the whole fucking school─stop laughing!"

"Sorry," I say, and then pat his thigh and remove my hand, "but seriously, if the worst happens, and one of us dies, I'll make sure it's me."

I throw up my hands to block Rhys's shove.


"Wait, you have Mr. Robinson too? I thought you weren't in honors," Hunter says to Jules.

"Well, I am," Jules says, glancing to me and then to Rhys. He's been doing that all day, but now that it's lunch and everyone is at the table today he's looking over more often. Apparently our group has mended enough that even Beverly is sitting with us again, though she looks miserable, barely touching her food. But who cares? Not me.

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