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0.14 - Saturday 12:57 a.m.

Rhys Wyer

"I wasn't sure we'd ever do this again," Beverly whispers, surprisingly candid. My lips hover over her neck.

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

Beverly's head dips foreword and I press a kiss against her skin. She shakes her head.

"I just thought..." she starts quietly, "...you know..."

"Stop," I say like a groan, gingerly letting my teeth sink into her neck, the only spot where I know she'll shut up. On cue, Beverly arches her neck and releases a sigh.

I sit back, finding the hem of my shirt and pulling it off. Beverly works her tank top off as well. She bites her lip and I grab her bare waist, bringing her closer and kissing her. The world becomes dark as I close my eyes, forcing myself to focus on Beverly, her cool skin underneath my fingertips, her gentle movements against me, the little noises she makes.

The air becomes increasingly colder, and it takes all my energy to keep my mind on what's happening here. Beverly shimmies out of her tiny skirt, revealing red panties.

I know I'm probably not as excited as I should be.

Her hands don't hesitate, grabbing the buttons of my shorts. I feel myself seize up.

No. Yes.

I swallow uneasily as she unbuttons and unzips my fly. I grab her wrists, and she sucks in a sharp breath.

"Let me do it," I say roughly. She relaxes, her spine loosening like she just dodged her biggest fear. I stand up and finish what she started, but everything feels wrong and clumsy. My shorts drop to the floor and I awkwardly climb back on the bed.

Her hands are cold when they touch my chest, and I bite back a hiss of surprise.

We're kissing again. And again. I can tell this is inching closer and closer to sex, and it's not like I don't want to. I do. Why wouldn't I? It's just...fast, too fast.

Her hands are fiddling with her bra. She's having trouble trying to unclip it from the back.

"Can you do it?" she asks. Fuck. Unclipping her bra? I did not sign up for this. It can't be that hard. I reach behind her and find the clips. How do I undo this? I don't know if I mean the bra, the situation, or both.

That's when the sirens blare.

"Oh shit," Beverly murmurs. We hear the noise from the party outside rise in panic, and the pounding footsteps of teenagers rushing out the door.

"Quick let's go," I say, never faster in getting off her and reaching blindly in the dark for my clothes. The red and blue light from the police cars outside plays haunting patterns on the bed.

We hurry downstairs. Beverly tries to hold onto my hand, but once we get off the stairs we're swept up in the crowd, and I quickly lose her. It probably didn't help that I was barely gripping her hand.

I'm shoved outside, unable to control where I'm going. The music has turned off but the harsh beat of my heart pounds a louder rhythm in my head.

"Rhys!" I turn, trying to identify the voice. It's Jules, his tall, slim frame standing out against the crowd. He waves and I push my way towards him.

"Fucking hell, watch where you're fucking going," I say under my breath when someone's elbow sharply digs into my ribs. "Where's everyone else?" I ask Jules once I reach him. He grabs my arm and pulls me after him.

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