Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Song of the Chapter: Stay by Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko

~~Rachel's POV~~

"Are you going to be difficult through all of this?" one of the men who sat beside me in the car asked.

I huffed loudly and looked away. If they thought that I was going to make this easy on them then they have another thing coming.

"Can you bring that bitch in here?" the man, who I assumed to be head honcho around here, called from inside. He seemed more then agitated.

"C'mon! I don't have all day," the first man complained.

I crossed my legs in the backseat of the car and huffed again. I haven't spoken the whole ride over here. You could say I was pissed. Although, I was scared more then anything, I wasn't going to let them know that. They couldn't know I was so scared.

I felt cold metal on the side of my head and I heard a click. "When my men tell you to do something, you do it. Trust me, if you're difficult, I'll kill you on the spot and feel no remorse," the main man said. He had beautiful blue eyes and short blonde hair. He looked to be about 22. Not much older then Justin. He could actually be considered attractive, if his personality wasn't so atrocious, "now... are you going to be difficult?" he asked.

"No," I said shortly, getting out of the car.

"Good. We're finally getting somewhere," he said with too much slyness to his voice.

"Is this where you're taking me? We're still in town," I said, mocking his decision.

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to let you see where I'm taking you?" he asked sarcastically.

"I don't know... you seem pretty dumb," I concluded. He slapped me hard on my cheek. "You're a real scumbag yanno?" I asked nastily. I felt the butt of the gun hit my head. I collapsed at the impact and fell to the ground. Blackness spotted my vision. I fought against the unconscious state that tried to take over my brain. "Make them kill you here before you let them take you anywhere," my moms voice rung in my ears. "Justin's coming for me," I called out, trying to sound intimidating, although it came out more like a question then a statement.

"Ooh I'm so scared. Your big bad boyfriend is coming to save the day. Seriously, I'm shaking in my boots," he spit in the dirt beside my face.

I felt a kick to my side and I coughed wildly, trying to catch my breath. Then I felt a blow to my head by something and the whole world went dark.

~~Justin's POV~~

"Make a left here." "Make the next right." I shot out direction after direction as Jayden sped down the streets, avoiding where the cops usually hid. It had been about two hours since they had taken Rachel right from my front door.

"Peter is gonna fucking pay." I grunted. Our first destination was one of their old warehouses at the edge of Barstow, the town we live in. It was about a 25 minute drive.

As the car came to a screeching halt, I jumped out screaming her name. I needed to find her. I frantically ran through the old rundown warehouse and noticed that no one had been there in years. I came back out in defeat.

"Justin?" Preston called.

I ran toward the side of the building where he was standing, facing away from me. I grabbed him by the shoulders and flung him around. "What?! What is it?!" I noticed the note and ripped it from his hands. I read aloud:

Did you really think it would be that easy? Did you really think I would come here with her? Of all places. Maybe I took her to The City Of Angels... remember our time there together? But maybe I didn't. I guess you'll have to go and find out.

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