Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Song of the Chapter: Wherever You Will Go by The Calling


~~Rachel's POV~~

"What the fuck do you mean they're back?!" Justin yelled, furious. He slammed his fists on the coffee table and I take a minute to guess how many have been broken in the past years.

"Word on the street is that Peter called them in for reinforcements," Jayden explained further. The other guys were here too, but, like me, they dare not speak. They were all waiting for Justin and I's return in the living room when Justin stomped in after our picnic gone wrong.

"And you didn't feel the need to tell me this?!" Justin bellowed.

"I just found out and I would have called you, but you made it pretty fucking clear that I better not bother you today when you were out with Rachel," Jayden explained.

I blushed slightly at the fact that Justin didn't want us to be disturbed.

"Well you should have thought this one trough a little better there Jay because someone attacked us at the park tonight. A professional," Justin hissed. He sat down next to me on the love seat that I was currently cowering on. I wasn't scared of him, but I was scared of this demeanor he had. "How big are they? How much power do they have?" Justin asked.

"A good amount. There isn't much known about them, but what everyone knows is that they have ridiculous connections. Rumor has it that they're connected to the mystery gang south of LA."

Justin tensed a little and mumbled profanity. "I know the rule is a week, but now when we all leave the house, I'm going to need my gun."

"I agree," Preston chimed in. And one by one all the other boys nodded.

"Okay that's settled. Now, Rachel can't ever be alone," Justin stated. None of the boys reacted so I did instead.

"I can take care of myself Justin," I mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I don't care if you think you can take care of yourself. To be honest, I don't even care if you really can take care of yourself. I'm saying that you're not to be by yourself. You have to be with one of the five of us twenty-four seven. No ifs ands or buts about it. And don't fight me about this Rachel because either way I will have my way. You will be safe. I'm not losing you."

"Isn't this a little extreme?"

"Not when it comes to your safety and well-being. Nothing is extreme then. I'm going wherever you go. End of story."

I went to go respond to his statement, but thought against it and instead cowered lower into the love seat.

"Baby, I know this is difficult for you. I know that this is a culture shock to you, but it's going to be okay. I'll make sure you're safe. Always."

"It's going to be okay?!" I screeched, "none of this is fucking okay Justin don't you see that?!"

"Calm down and breathe. I need you level headed," he spoke to me like I was one of the guys. Which I liked and didn't at the same time. I didn't know where that had me at the moment or how I should act. It was all quite confusing.

"Okay I'm going to go talk to Rachel upstairs and then we should come up with a plan of attack. What time is it?" Justin inquired, standing from his seat.

"9 pm sharp," Jeff answered.

Justin grabbed my hand and lead me through the living room and up the stairs where we eventually landed in his room. He was acting weird. "Rachel," he started.

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