Prom Date *With Carter*

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*Rewrote this because it deleted*

Personal imagine for @TheeAvonSteps << Go follow her(:

You couldn't believe it. Out of all the prom invites that Carter had received, he chose yours. Butterflies filled your stomach as you realized that prom was tomorrow. Would he like you? Would he barely talk to you? A million things raced through your mind. Many people would kill to be in your position right now.

You ran up the stairs to take a shower, and then layed everything out for tomorrow night. There was one problem, you could sleep. I mean, who would be able to? It's not just any prom date. It's Carter. You tossed and turned all night, but you could help but to smile uncontrollably, eventually somewhat drifting off to sleep.

The next morning was extremely busy. First, you went to the mall downtown to get your nails done. Leaving from there you had to drive to get your hair fixed, and it looked beautiful. Soon enough you drove home and put your dress, heels, and makeup on. Now it was time for the wait. The wait for Carter to get to your house and your nerves were absolutely intensified. "Don't cry, you'll mess up your makeup." You kept repeating over and over. Your mom heard you in the other room and started to giggle.

The limo pulled up to your house and you heard a faint knock on your door. You opened it slowly to see Carter standing there with his adorable smile on his face. "You look gorgeous." He says astonished, your face turning red, and you smiled harder.

After your mother took about a million pictures, it was time to head to the school. When you got there you received many compliments, and a lot of glances when people noticed who it actually was. Prom had just started and you already knew this was going to be the best night of your life. "A Thousand Years" started playing and everyone exited from the dance floor. Carter then speaks up, "Dance with me?" He asked, taking your hand in his. You both go out onto the floor and you lean your head on his shoulder. Everyone gathers around you two, smiling. "Carter why isn't anyone else dancing?" You laugh. "I had this song reserved for us." You smile, making the most of the moment, because it was perfect. This whole night was perfect. "We should do this more often." He says, leaning in to kiss you.


A/N : Sorry this took me so long to write, I've been busy with school, but I hope you liked it(:

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