*Taylor Imagine* Im pregnant.

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I sat alone, in the school bathroom stall, just staring at the tiny white stick with a pink plus sign on it. Shock rushed over my body, along with tears. I tried to be quiet though, so no one could hear me. Someone else knowing at the moment wouldn't be the best thing to happen. Everything rushed through my mind. What was I going to tell Tay? My mom? I started to cry again. Finally, I got the strength to get up, putting the test in my purse. ****** The rest of the school day was hell. Absolute hell. I couldn't concentrate on anything, I even had my biology teacher ask if something was wrong. I just faked a smile and went on the rest of the day. When I got home, I noticed Taylor's car in my driveway. My heart sank. I knew I wasn't ready to tell him yet, but I hated lying to him, so I didn't really have a choice. I walked in the door and I immediately smelled food. Mom was cooking, wow. That never happens. "Hi honey! Taylor's upstairs, I let him in. Just be down when I've got dinner ready okay?" "Okay mom, I will." I tried to sound as happy as possible, I didn't want her to know anything yet, or be suspicious for that matter. I walked up the wooden staircase, opened my door, and sure enough there was Taylor. He was sprawled out on my bed, like it was his own, smiling. Not to mention he was probably on twitter like always. He immediately got up, putting his arms around me. "Hey babe, how was school?" I couldn't hold it in, I had to say something. "Taylor, we need to talk." His beautiful smile vanished, and his face turned pale. I sat down on my bed, him following me. "What's wrong?" He asked. I took the pregnancy test out of your purse and place it in his hands. He stares at it, just sitting there. "I'm pregnant." I say, even though it was quite obvious. He looks up at me, in complete shock, and I lose it. Tears streamed down my face and he wrapped his arms around me. "What are we going to do?" I ask, still crying. "Hey, shhh, it's okay. We'll figure something out, but first, don't cry. You're too beautiful to cry." He sounded so reassuring. How could he be so calm about this? We layed on my bed beside each other, cuddling for what seemed like hours. Then, Taylor pulled my shirt up and presses his hand on my stomach. "This-This is our future." He whispers, and I smile. He also starts speaking to my belly. "Hey little guy, or girl whichever you are. I just want you to know that I love you, and I know you'll be just as beautiful as your mom. I can't wait to meet you, actually, I can't wait for everyone to meet you." He kisses your stomach, and a tear rolls down your face. All of a sudden you hear your mom yell, "Y/N, Taylor foods ready!!!" We both get up and walk down the stairs, aware of what I going to have to tell her. While you were sitting at the dinner table, you finally work up the nerve to tell her, and surprisingly she was very supportive. It was time to get ready for someone who was going to change my life, for the better. And I had all the support that I'd ever need.

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