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Just sleep.

Just dream.

It's only a nightmare, and soon you'll be set free.

Nate glared at the lyrics written on the paper. No, that's wrong.

He erased the "you'll" and changed it to "we'll".

As he wrote, he saw the mark on his wrist. 11/15/86. That was the birthday of his soulmate. If your soulmate was close, the birthday burned. If your soulmate met you, they were supposed to rub their finger along the birthday, and it would turn gold, to show that you'd found your soulmate.

Nate didn't like going outside. He didn't like talking to people. That led to a few problems when it came to finding his soulmate.

His phone buzzed.



Three times.

Nate rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone. It was blowing up with texts from his sister.



Nate answer me.

Nathan I swear I will come over there.


Nate sighed and answered: 'what do you want?'

Will you come to a party with me???


He had to go over this with his sister so much, and she still hadn't gotten it drilled into her head. He didn't like parties.







YAY! I'll pick you up @8 PM. Ly!

Love you too, Nicole.

Nate sighed. He supposed he had to get dressed now.

Nate peeled himself from his leather office chair. His black hair was a mess. His brown eyes had dark shadows under them.

Nate smiled slightly at his reflection. He supposed this is what he got for sleeping at his desk.

He combed his hair. He changed into a black shirt and black jeans.

He'd often gotten remarks like 'emo' or 'goth'. Nate didn't care. As long as he was able to keep writing music.

Nate made himself a cup of coffee.

Nate leaned back on his brown couch. His eyelids threatened to close. He was so tired.

Finally, the 28-year-old gave in, passing out.


So, this is a story I wrote for school, but no one knew it was a fanfic. I love this story so much, so I felt like posting it.

Kay, bye!


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