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"Nate!" Nicole called.

Nate looked over into the darkness, and slight light from the window, from where he and Mat were sitting in the tree.

"Hi, Nicole." Nate said, looking down at the girl that was under the tree.

Nate's sister looked up at him. "Why are you up there?"

"Talking to my soulmate."

Nicole was silent. "Wait, what?"

"My soulmate," he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Wait, wait, wait, you found your soulmate at the party you didn't want to go to?"

Nate rolled his eyes. "Yes, I did,"

Nicole giggled and clapped her hands. "Can I meet her?"

Nate winced. "A-actually, it's a him."

Nicole's smile widened more. "It is? That's amazing! I can't believe it!"

Nate climbed out of the tree, and Mat followed.

"Hi," he said, holding his hand out to Nicole's to shake. "I'm Mat, Nate's soulmate."

Nicole took Mat's hand and shook it. "I'm so glad he found his soulmate! He was kinda lonely before!"

Nate whacked his sister's arm. "Hey! I was not!"

Nicole laughed. "Maybe not, but it seemed like you were!"

Nate rolled his eyes. "No, I just don't like talking to people."

Nicole opened her mouth to say something, but Nate cut her off, "Mat is a special case."

Mat smiled. "You guys seem really close."

"We're twins!" Nicole grinned.

"I wish my brother was like that," Mat remarked.

"Ooh! You have a brother!" Nicole cheered. "Can I meet him? Is he nice? What does he look like?"

Mat took a step back.

"Nicole, you're scaring him." Nate smiled slightly.

Mat gave Nate a small smile. "She's fine. Sure, you can meet him. He is nice."

Nicole clapped again. She started running to the front of the house, Mat and Nate following slowly behind her, dragging their feet slightly.

They arrived at the front of the house and Nicole dragged the soulmates inside.

Mat looked around. "There he is," he said, pointing out a boy with dirty blond hair.

Nicole bounced over to the boy and started talking to him.

Mat looked around nervously. "I don't like this."

"What do you mean?" Nate questioned.

"It's loud and there's so many people." Mat shook his head. "I hate it. Get me out, please." Mat covered his ears and squeezed his eyes closed.

Nate grabbed Mat's hand and led him out of the large house. He led him to the tree in the backyard.

"Are we at the tree?" Mat asked. His eyes were still closed.

Nate smiled. "Yes," he said. He climbed up onto the branch the two had been sitting on. He grabbed Mat's hand and pulled him up onto the branch with him.

Mat's brown eyes showed his smile, even if Nate couldn't see it in the shadows of the night.

Soulmates-NatePatWhere stories live. Discover now