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Remember that a little is a person and has feelings too. If a little is dismissive it can mean one of two things.

1. They aren't feeling little at that moment.

Sometimes a little won't feel little, when this happens they may try to avoid little-based things and try to talk about big stuff like world politics. If this happens, don't panic, it's normal. Do as the Romans do and avoid little-based stuff, they'll get back into the headspace eventually so don't rush them.

You can normally tell if a little isn't feeling little by the following signs:

They avoid toys
They bring up serious topics in conversation
They might try to avoid looking little

If that isn't the case then they might be dismissive because:

2. They are upset or feel alone.

Often your little might be upset or feeling alone. When this happens, they may try yo seclude themselve with their toys. They might not want to talk to you or other littles. THIS IS NOT GOOD. THIS IS VERY BAD. Don't let this go. Talk to them about it because they may not notice that they're secluding themselves. Ask if they're okay, if they brush it off, force it on them. Talk to them and make sure they feel wanted and validated.This can be identified by the following:

Sitting away from people
Monotone in conversation

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