Who Left the Window Open

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Elizabeth walked with her flashlight in her mouth and her hands in her sweat shirts pockets as she moved rather sloppily, her hips moving with each step as her head bopped along on her shoulders. She wasn't easily scared and she figured that she'd film one or two takes with the boys before setting up camp in the dining hall on her own before getting to sleep. Actually, she figured she'd start her advanced lit homework before she went to bed. That way this night wouldn't have been a total bust.

Speaking of total, Elizabeth had already placed all of her recent savings on a few bets with the others.. Dana would be the first to cry and Adrian is gonna scream to the tune of one of the songs he's always singing before the end of the night. Those were easily the most obvious things to bet on and she wasn't gonna take chances as she usually did, her rent was gonna be due soon and she couldn't blow all of her money as she would have wanted too.

She turned the corner to where the group had decided on meeting up to find that she was the first one to arrive, usually she'd take forever but, there was a first for everything. The girl sat down on the floor and placed the flashlight down as she spun it with the tips of her fingers, her eyes moved back and forth as she payed attention to the light spinning about the room.

Close to five minutes later a shout was heard from the upstairs, Elizabeth looked up and shrugged it sounded like a gasp before someone yelled 'hell'. She actually smiled bit as she assumed that Davie was already playing jokes on the others, sooner than later Adrian and Dana walked into the room she was in and the two joined her on the floor,

"Find a ghost?" Elizabeth said as she tilted her head and picked up her flashlight and shined it into Adrian's face,

"No, someone just thought it'd be funny if they pushed me down the stairs." Adrian said with no amusement to his voice, Elizabeth moved the light over to Dana who was pale as ever,

"He tripped on his shoelaces and is blaming me.." Dana said in an unconvinced voice that was still rather bleak,

"So, even you two dorks couldn't find anything? This is a waste!" Elizabeth said as she raised her voice a bit to the last part as she moved her flashlight about the room waiting for Davie to jump out in attempt to scare them,

"Shhh- Liz you can't be too sure, we haven't even opened the door to the basement yet!"

"MY name isn't Liz."

"Point still stands, it's the basement that has all the demon stuff." Adrian said with a rather sarcastic tone as he leaned back up against absolutely nothing and attempted to keep his balance as Elizabeth rolled her eyes and puffed her bangs out of her face as she went back to spinning the flashlight with her pointer finger, her blood red nail polish catching light every few seconds,

"Bonjour boys and frying pan!" Davie said from across the hall as the light from his flashlight shined upon the group and everyone began to get to their feet, Elizabeth looked less than pleased and Adrian was still giving Dana side eye by the time Davie had reached them and they were all regrouped. Obviously not picking up on the tension, the boy pulled out his hand camera and stuck his pocket flashlight to the side of it, "You guys know the drill?" Davie stated to the group as he adjusted the camera angle, all of them nodded and the shifty face Adrian was giving Dana melted away,

"Hey viewers, you know the drill! We've gone and set up our cameras which will be filming ALL night!" Davie began as he moved the camera angle a bit more so the contents of the house could be seen on camera,

"It's already really scary in here and we haven't even started with the Ouija Board.." Elizabeth said under her breathe as she looked over her shoulder, she started rubbing one of her arms to convey she was cold you would have never guessed how unenthusiastic she was before the camera was on her. Davie smirked,

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