Chapter 13

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~Matts POV~

It's... Katie?

Matt: OMG! Katie what happened to you?

Katie: Y-You're g-girlfriend ha-happened. (She said shivering)

Matt: Come on in and let's get you dried. What did Regina do?

Katie: It's easier to answer what they didn't do to me.

Matt: They? Who's they?

Katie: "The crew"

Matt: OMG. What did they do to you?

Katie: Well this is what happened...


I walked out on Cameron and when I got to like the third block I felt someone grab me from behind. I turned around and saw someone I never thought I would see before.. Michael. He then dragged me into an alley and pushed me to the ground.

Michael: Look who it is, little Katie. Never thought you would see me again, huh?

Regina: You remember Michael, right?

Katie: How could I forget he's the one who gave me a freaking broken rib!

Michael: The one and only(his face:😏)

Katie: Yeah well now we have seen each other again so.. I'm just gonna leave.

Michael: You're not going anywhere.. I haven't had my fun with you yet

Those were the same exact words he used to say to me a year ago.

Then he started to feel all on me (if you know what I mean) and when she started to kiss my neck I kicked him in the balls and pushed Regina out of the way and started to make a run for it, but Michael was too fast for me. He tackled me to the ground and held me down so I couldn't move.

Michael: I was going to take it easy on you but I guess not.

Then he toke out a pocket knife and held it against my neck.

Regina: Finish her off for good!

Then he toke the knife and dug it into my neck and when the pain was unbearable I slapped the knife out of his hand and ran and grabbed it so I had control of the knife. He runs towards me trying to get the knife back and in the process he cuts me on my cheek, wrist, and neck again. Then he toke the knife and scraped me across my forehead with it.

Regina: JUST KILL HER ALREADY! See this is what you get for trying to get Matt back you little b****. He would never want you! Why can't you see that? Well this will help everyone because you won't be here anymore to bother anyone.

Then Michael toke the knife and put it against my neck.

Katie: Y-You won't get away w-with this

Regina: Really? Cause it looks like I have. You are worthless piece of trash that no one wants, Matt just pitted you and always will and those were the exact words that came from his mouth.

Now that hurt and not just made me sad but pissed off.

Regina: Finish her off!

But before Michael could officially cut me with the knife, I slapped his hand away making the knife fly out of his hand and ran to get it. When I grabbed the knife Michael came charging towards me and then I did something I never thought I would do before... I stabbed him right in the stomach. He fell to the ground and then Regina cried out for help and I ran out of there before anyone could come and figure out I'm the one who stabbed him to death.

**End of Flashback**

(~Katie's POV~)

Katie: And then I ran to the one person who I knew I could trust... You

Matt: Omg Katie.. I'm so sorry for everything. You shouldn't have gone through that.

Katie: It's okay. It's not your fault, who knew the crazy b**** would try to kill me.

Matt: Yeah well this wouldn't have happened if I would've just stayed with you instead of going with them.

Katie: It's okay Matt, I forgive you and I want to forget about the past as much as I can..

Matt: Me too. From this day forward let's make a pact to forget about the past and move on, agreed?

Katie: Agreed... OMG MATT!

Matt: WHAT??!??

Katie: What if the police arrest me??I can't go to jail..

Matt: It's okay they won't it wasn't you're fault.

Katie: But what if they do, what if Regina told them I did it on purpose, I can't go to jail Matt.. I just can't! I won't have anyone to bail me out, my sister is in Paris, my aunt is all the way back home in NYC...What am I going to d-

And then I felt Matts soft lips against mine. And at that moment I didn't want to pull apart. After a couple minutes he pulled away from the kiss.

Katie: That was a great way to tell me to shut up *giggles*

Matt: *giggles* Yeah. Come on let's get you out of those wet clothes, you can put on some of my clothes.

Katie: Ok thanks.

I then went into the bathroom and changed into Matts Magcon shirt and his sweatpants. When I came out I saw Matt laying on the bed on his phone.

Matt: Come lie next to me

Katie: Ok..

Then I went and snuggled up to him and instantly fell asleep but was soon awaken by pounding on the door. Right when I was about to get up to get it, the door flew open and police officers came charging in.

Katie: What's going on??

Then I look to my right and see Matt with a confused look on his face.

Officer: Are you Ms. Katie Brooks?

Katie: Yes?

Officer: Katie, you are under arrest for the murder of Michael Benson.

And while he said that he put my hands in handcuffs.

Katie: WHAT??!! NO!! MATT HELP!

Matt: You have it all wrong! She didn't do anything!

Officer #2: Well we have several witnesses that said she did do something.


Then the officer starts to drag me out of the room with Matt following behind them.

Officer: You have the right to remain silent-

Katie: NO!! MATT!!

Officer: Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning-

Katie: MATT!!

Officer: If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Then the officer puts me in the back of the police car, but before he does I scream out one more time for Matt. Then he comes to the window to tell me something.

Matt: I will get you out of there! It's not your fault, okay? Don't think it's your fault! KATIE I-

Officer #2: Sir, you need to get away from the car-

Then the started to drag Matt away but before the could he screamed one last thing...


And then I was driven to the police station. Matt loves me? I thought I will never hear those words come out of his mouth since he joined "the crew". But do I still love him back? I must. I mean I kissed the boy back before.. But I can't think about that right now. What I do need to think about is.. What is going to happen to me next? Will the police believe me when I say it was for self defense or will they believe Regina and who ever she paid to tell them I killed him on purpose? Well, we will find out, cause we just arrived at the police station.....

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