Chapter 4: Relief

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Art is fourth period. Gabriela is in my art class, and so is Jayla. Gabriela and I sit together. I'm fairly good at art, but not amazing. Gabriela is amazing. However, she doesn't seem to want anyone to know. She props up her portfolio around her and covers her work with her arms. Since it's our first art class, we are allowed to to draw whatever we want. I draw my maple tree with an elm on either side. Then I write Arce in cursive at the top. I realize that the branches are crooked, so I erase and redraw them.

"You are doing very good," Gabriela says, glancing at my drawing. "Trees are hard to draw." She reads the word at the top. "Is this one--" she points at the one in the middle-- "a maple tree?"

"Yes. Arce is also my last name. A maple was planted in my yard on the day I was born, in between the twelve elm trees. Can I see yours?"

"You can look while it is done!" Gabriela declares.

The teacher leaves the room to make copies at the office. Immediately people are crumpling up their papers and throwing them at each other. A paper airplane with a sharp point hits my shoulder. I turn around. "Ow!"

"Sorry, didn't see you there," Jayla says with a sickeningly sweet smile. I glare at her.

Gabriela keeps working through the chaos. When she finishes, she holds it up to show me. Two beautifully shaded hands entwine through each other. In the center is the Spanish word Juntos: together.

"That's so cool!" I gasp.

She smiles modestly. "Thank you very much."

Jayla appears behind Gabriela and snatches the paper. "What's this?" she sneers. "Paper for spit wads?"

"Stop! That is mine!" Gabriela protests. "Give it back!" Jayla holds it above her reach as Gabriela lunges for it. Her chair clatters to the floor. Jayla rips the paper in half, crumples it up, stomps on it, and throws it back into the fray.

Gabriela covers her face and runs out of the room. I grab a hall pass and run after her, ignoring Jayla's calls of "Crybaby! Go run crying to your mommy!" I find her in the bathroom trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry about your picture," I say quietly. "You're really good, you know."


"Jayla is horrible. She's been a jerk since the minute I met her."

"Sorry I make a big deal," Gabriela mumbles. "Probably exactly what she wanted."

"It's fine."

We walk back to class together. As I enter the room, another paper airplane hits me, this one with a message on it.

I know you told, _______ (here is a word Mom would wash out my mouth if I used.)

Of course it was from Jayla.

Gabriela writes down her name: Gabriela Cardenas, and her phone number. I give her my number as well. "Text me when you get home."

"You bet!"

Suddenly everything goes quiet. We are the only ones sitting down, and all around the room kids freeze with paper missiles in their hands. Mr. Andersen, the art teacher, is standing in the doorway.

"Detention." His voice is cold. "Every single one of you."

Gabriela and I share an indignant glance. Neither of us have done anything wrong.

"And all of you are staying after class to clean this mess up."

This statement brings complaints, and Jayla says, "But sir, we're going to miss--"

"I don't care how much lunch you're going to miss!" Mr. Andersen roars. "Clean. Now. And no one is leaving until the room is clean!"

Gabriela glances at me, and I shrug. I grab a trash can, and she starts to pick up papers. We clean up pencils and markers and paper scraps. Before long the room is clean, and hardly anyone else has lifted a finger.

"You may go, and I'll see you at three o'clock this afternoon in this classroom!" Mr. Andersen says. "Gabriela, Esperanza, come here, please."

Gabriela and I hesitated.

"You did a very good job cleaning up," says Mr. Andersen. "And you were the only two doing work when I came in. I shouldn't have punished the whole class. You're excused from detention."

"Thank you, sir," Gabriela says.

We exchange elated glances the second we leave the room. We find a lunch table together. It is taco day, so Gabriela and I stand together in the hot lunch line and we are served two hard-shell tacos each. 

I am walking to our table when I trip over something. My tacos go flying. The table behind us explodes with laughter. I glare at Jayla, who is tucking her outstretched foot back under the table. 

Gabriela helps me clean up and says, "It's all right. You can have one of mine." She hands me a taco and I eat it gratefully. I feel Jayla's eyes on me and know that she is annoyed that I'm not mad.

As soon as the dismissal bell rings, I create a contact on my phone for Gabriela and type in her phone number, then drop the paper and put on my backpack. I make sure to lock my lock correctly this time. I text Gabriela once I am out of the building.

E: this is Esperanza Arce, is this Gabriela Cardenas?

G: yes its me, thank god, I lost the paper you give me

E: already?!!!

G: well i will add you now

E: jayla is horribleeeeee

G: i knowwwww

E: but i have a friend now yay

G: yay for friends

E: all right im home, see you later

G: see you tomarow :)

I turn off my phone and enter the house. "I made a friend!" I call to Mom.

"That's great!" Mom says from the kitchen.

"Her name is Gabriela. She's from Mexico."

"Awesome! I'm glad you're fitting in!"

I don't tell her that I've also made an enemy.

A Maple Among Elms [2017]Where stories live. Discover now