Accidents Happen

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Amy pov

Anti started walking toward us. "Well Dark, I'll have you know that you just healed our dinner. I mean seriously, I am the only on who owns a bow and arrows. When have I ever hunted for sport." Said Anti annoyed. "Well I know for a fact that you hunt the poor souls that wander into these, so tell me were you hunting her for sport or was she gonna be dinner too?" Said Dark returning the sarcasm. "Guys I'm fine, accidents happen. Besides no one got hurt." I said stepping between them. They both sighed in anger. "I'm going to find more dinner. Amy go home before you get yourself killed." Anti said upset. "Don't mind him, he's just upset that your here." Said Dark. " You see he takes revenge on any human that enters these, woods because he can't leave. None of us can." He said sadly. "Come on, lets go home." I said. His face lite up. "We have a roller skating room down stairs. Would you like to skate?" He asked excited. I smiled. "Of course." His wings stretched out and he picked me up again. He flew us home and lead me downstairs to a medium roller skate rink. He handed me some neon purple roller skates with neon green wheels. They had white stars and planets all over them. And then the black light turned on. Classic by MKTO started to play. "Shall we?" He said offering his hand. I took it and we began to skate. Eventually we started to dance. It was the most fun I ever had. But sadly Wilford came down and told us it was time for dinner. But I felt something for him, something I couldn't describe.

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