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Richie was already on his bike, ignoring his mother who was asking where he was going. He knew she didn't care, so he just kept pedalling.
Maybe perhaps he would have stopped if it wasn't for her obvious tipsy voice and the vodka in her hand. Clearly she wasn't gonna chase after him anyways, she was definitely more than thankful to have some time alone with her husband without an annoying boy with a never ending sugar rush.

29, Neibolt, Richie unconsciously repeated out loud as his mind was occupied by nothing other than the location and perhaps a stupid fantasy about getting a kiss from someone when he saved his friends. But also, he thought that maybe he couldn't save them. What if Eddie was already gone, from the noise he made as he hung up it didn't seem too far fetched. What if all of them were gone, and it was his fault for not staying with them. To say he felt quilty was an understatement. It started with a drop of jealousy, but it seemed like some unknown power had evolved that tiny drop and turned his whole personality around.

Yet he was angry, at everyone.
Bill, the other losers, his parents.
It seemed he was drifting from everyone, but he wouldn't let himself ignore that call.

And it knew that, that's why it's doing this. A smile played it's lips, observing the worried boy on his bike outside it's house.
He was separated from the others, but not more than he was still on his way to save them. He was an easy target, one down, six to go.

Richie sighed, as he hesitantly pushed the front door as silently as he could.
His teeth grinding when a squeaky noise shot through his brain.
A shiver spread as a rat ran across his feet, causing him to stomp around until he found himself inside.
Greeted by a dusty room, with only a few sources of light being a broken light bulb flickering and the sun through the cracks on the planks that was hammered over the windows. The place had probably been abandoned before it was even built, abandoned since it was just a plain lawn and a blueprint. Richie doubted even a desperate homeless couldn't bring himself to stay the night there, even if thunder and rain was waiting for him right outside.
The floor creaked like it was built of glass, and a stench of rotting rat-shit filled the whole house, burning slightly whenever you inhaled.
It was slightly strange, the lack of fresh air, considering half the windows were missing, which was probably the reason the planks were placed. Not that they helped much keep out critters and birds if that was the purpose, considering the door couldn't be closed properly, and would sway back and forth at the slightest wind. Richie stomped around between all the surprisingly fresh candy wraps, someone must have been there not long ago. He stepped on one, and flinched as all the wrappers dissolved into thin air. "You're just tired, Richard." He mumbled to himself, trying to get convined it was nothing more than a sleep deprived hallucination.

The less lucky six were sat around on some logs and stones, back in the Barrens.
An akward silence had been going on since Richie left, only a few sentences formed from time to time. It was weird, it was like they were alone, even though they were six.
Like a huge space in each of them was gone, without a trace. And I guess you could say it was kind of true, it wasn't the same without a trashmouth to lighten the mood whenever it died down.

Eddie had been the only one to not say a word, he barely listened at all.
He was worried, they shouldn't just have left Richie like that.
But, even if they tried to make him stay he probably wouldn't wanna talk with them anyways.
"What happend?" Eddie mumbled, so silently it got drowned out by a breeze.
Sun, yet the wind was heavy, it wasn't necessarily bad weather, but not good either.
The weather you would except in the middle of May.
From a tree over Eddie's head birds were chirping, he remembered when Richie told him they only chirped because they were horny. Eddie giggled, and soon everyone's attention was on him.
"Wuh-what?" Bill uttered curiously at the flustered Eddie, who had no idea how to cover up that laugh, they would get angry if he said the truth, that he was thinking about stupid facts Richie told him, when the others were talking about how to murder a shapeshifting killer monster.
But telling a lie, would be difficult, as he didn't really listen to what they said before, so he could in no way find something he might have misunderstood. Not to mention that there isn't much fun about that monster anyways.

Bill repeated himself, "what?" This time he didn't stutter, which panicked Eddie even more.
He knew he had to answer as soon as possible, but his brain was mush at this point, "H-Horny monster, I mean..." he gulped, and tried to think of another coverup, but it was too late. The others were exchanging looks now, and Beverly leaned in and caressed Eddie's red cheek, "Are you okay? Did you forget your meds?" She asked, trailing her hand back on her lap. "I'm fine, just..." Eddie whimpered, "I was thinking about when Richie told me singing birds were horny birds." He admitted. "You thought about Richie? Willingly?" Stan said, and they all shared a little laugh.
The overall mood was better than before, but everyone, even Bill, knew that it felt empty without Richie.
"We could... We could text him? A last chance, I guess." Mike said, lowering his head as if he expected a fist to fly his way. But by everyone's surprise, Bill fished his phone out of his pocket, and went into his messages.

I'm probably gonna make another reddie book, I'll still be working on this. But I really don't like this plot at all so I'll have a more frequently updated one on the side... I hope that's ok, if I do decide to.

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