The square. Chapter 2.

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I woke up at 5am as my alarm went of. As I sat up I wished I didn't help Armin now I could have used that hour now. I got dressed and ready in 15 minutes like normal. I started to walk to my door then I realised Hanji said it be hot and sunny today so I opened my window a little. I went to eren door and waited a good five minutes, until a little blonde boy with a huge smile came out of his room and walked up to me. "good morning Mikasa" said Armin with a happy smile. "morning Armin" I replied with a small smile. Armin then looked at me worried and said "do you know what captain we have today Mikasa". I answered with a concerned voice and said "no sorry but I'm sure you be fine Armin me and eren got your back". Armin went back to his little smile "ok thanks Mikasa". I smiled back and hugged him "welcome that's what family for". "should we get this over and done with Mikasa" Armin said with a straight face and series eyes. "yep its time to wake him up go on you try first" I said back with a series face and strong eyes.

You see me and Armin has this one job everyday. we have to wake eren up and that's really hard eren is not a morning person. Armin goes in first and tries to wake eren by himself and when that fails he make sure eren got PJs on and then opens the door for me to try. I walk in and I shake eren like Armin does but better. Then when that fails I do what any other good friend/ fake sister does. I wash my hands don't dry them. Walk over to eren and slap him hard. I do enjoy it sometimes and Armin loves watching. its takes five-ten minutes most days.

"huh what the oh hi Mikasa why are you in my room" eren says very sleepy and never realise what Mikasa did. "its time to get up so get dress and meet us outside the cabin or we be late" I said in a caring and loving way. I could hear Armin giggling at eren like a little school girl. Me and Armin heads out of the cabin and wait for eren. we talked for 20 minutes before eren came running out saying "I'm sorry are we late". "no its only 6am we don't have training till 7am" Armin said with a smile and bright blue eyes looking up. "lets go to the mess hall and get breakfasts before Sasha eats it all". we all laughed for two minutes and then eren hugged us and said "morning". me and Armin both said "morning" together and we walked to the mess hall.

About 6:30 we finished up and started to walk to the square where we train until eren pulled me back behind Armin. "Armin still looks a bit down just look at his eyes" eren said worried. He was right I didn't even notice I'm a horrible person no a bad friend for missing this. "what should we do eren" I said in a concerned voice. "run back to his room and get a book we read together on our break" eren said with a smile on his face and the sun hitting his big green eyes. "good idea reading with him always makes him happy, ok I meet you in the square soon" I said with a smile and then I ran off to Armin room as fast as I could. 

Levi POV.

As I was walking to meet my other captains I notice Mikasa running back to the cabins. "she looks like she dressed in the right uniform and she got her red scarf so why is she going back" Levi said to himself as he kept on walking.

Ten minutes later  I was listening to Hanji talk about wanting a pet titan. "I'm sure you would married a titan if you could Hanji" I said with a straight cold face to Hanji. Mike started to laugh but Hanji gave him a death stare and he stopped." I think he got a crush on Hanji I'm sure of it" I keep of thinking in my head. Then I notice Mikasa walking back with a book in her hand. I'm not sure why but she had a tight hold on the book. I still need to talk to Mikasa later about last night. Hanji told me what she saw and Mikasa needs to be punish for attacking those boys.

Mikasa POV.

I could feel Levi eyes on me as I started to walk pass him. I kept a straight and not caring face on as I walked past. I was nearly clear until Mike happened. "hey Mikasa why are you not with eren and Armin" mike said with a smile and confused eyes. Ever since Mike first met me and sniffed me he acted like a big brother and treated me like a little sister I don't know why. I just remember he came up to me a week after I joined and sniffed me but after I saw a tear full down his cheek. I ask the other captains and they all said they don't know but non of them have ever since Mike cry before. I must be a sad person to make him cry then. but I don't mind its fun with mike we mess around with our jobs and we work well together. He would have made a great big brother and a dad. I'm glad to have him as a fake big brother. 

"Mikasa" Mike said worried. "oh Armin had a bad dream last night and he still down so we were gonna read with him at our break during training today to cheer him up" I said still with a straight face. "how nice of you and eren man I wish you did that Levi and mike" Hanji said like a jealous child. "I would be happy to read with you Hanji" mike said with a little blush. it was very funny to watch and it was so cute. "your not aloud to have objects with you during training Ackerman" Levi said with a harsh voice and anger in his eyes.  "what but I now ran to get this cant I just put this in the corner of the square or put it next to the todays captain" I snapped back at him. "oh come on Levi no one will ever know" Hanji said begging like a child to there mother. "I will know so no, take it back Ackerman" Levi said with more anger and hate in his eyes.  "here Mikasa I'm the helper captain today give it to me and I look after it till break" mike said kindly. "thanks mike your the best I better go so I'm not late bye" I said as I gave him the book and ran to the square. 

I get to the square and have Armin running with eren they jumped on me with a huge hug. Just before we were about to talk we got an order. "line up you brats or I drag you to your space" a voice that I know very well said. I cursed under my breath as I turn around to see that little shorty standing with his arms crossed. "god help me this is gonna be a long day" I said as we all got to our space.

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