Chapter 24

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~Elizabeth's POV~

I had gotten over learning about Augustus's illness. We had secretly made plans at our table to go on a date later tonight. He wouldn't tell me where though. All I knew, was it had to be romantic. Jamie told me about William, he is the a$$hole she made him out to be. At the end of school I explained to Jamie where I was going, just in case she got back from her date early. After school I went home and got into the prettiest dress I own. It was pink and white with flowers and ruffles. After I got changed I jumped into his pick-up truck. "You look beautiful." he smiled. I just blushed back. "Where are we going?" I asked excitedly. "Somewhere." he retorted with a snicker. We came upon a large brick building. I was kind of let down. It didn't look spectacular. There was graffiti everywhere. "This is where I spend my free time." He smiled. I smiled back, though it wasn't genuine. "Well, come on!" He shouted," This isn't only an ugly building!" I followed him, though I was skeptical. He dragged me through the building, the surprise really wasn't the building. It was what was behind the building. A flower garden. There were roses, peonys, daisies, peonies, ect. and a huge gazebo. He walked me past the gazebo to another large patch of flowers. All it was, was flowers and grass, yet it was beautiful. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to the ground. We both laughed as we laid in the grass. "This is beautiful." I sighed. The flowers engulfing my small body. I saw Augustus take a ribbon and a few small flowers and tie them into a small arrangement. "Here." he smiled, slipping, what I then knew was a bracelet, on my wrist. I blushed. He knew me so well. "Come on!" he said. Pretty soon we were rolling down the small hill we were perched on. I knew I was ruining my dress, but I didn't care! I was having too much fun! We got to the bottom of the hill and laughed. We then looked at each other, and then he kissed me. I don't know, but I feel something different around him. Something I never felt around William. I have never felt this way around anyone. "What do you see in me?" I asked. "What do you mean?" he smirked back. "I am not pretty, I just never will be pretty." I replied with a slight frown. "Really?" He asked," Because I think you are beautiful." I blushed. Maybe he thought I was beautiful, but I really wasn't. "I am not, by any means, beautiful." I snickered. "If you aren't beautiful, would I do this?" He kissed me again. Unlike William, he wasn't rough, he was surprisingly gentle. He acted like he was afraid he would do something wrong. He also didn't try to touch my a**. I liked that. I like people who care about my feelings. "You could do that if I was ugly too." I retorted. "Maybe." We laughed. We stayed out in that yard until I fell asleep. Augustus carried me back to his car, and carried me inside, careful not to wake me. At least that's what I heard from Jamie. When I woke, all the memories came back. Now I know what that weird feeling was. It wasn't the puppy love I had, had with William and the other guys I had dated. I know that feeling is now true love. Have you ever heard the song Perfect Two by Alburn? That is me and Augustus. He's the one I want to marry.

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