chapter 1 the return of an old warrior

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it was a snowy day in the snowy mountains where an old abandoned valley was, but in the valley opened a portal, then out stepped a snow leopard with his yellow eyes visible in the snow storm.

"Ah...turns out that turtle didn't lie, the spirit realms transdimensional portal did send me back to this world" the snow leopard said as he unsheathed his claws.

"Now for the panda to pay" he growled under his breath but when he was about to walk off a bright light began to shine from the sky as an old wise turtle came down from the sky and calmy said "now now, I gave you a second chance, not to reconquest the valley but to, find Inner-Peace"

The snow leopard just growled at the turtle "and how the hell am I suppossed to do that!?" But as he said that the turtle smiled faintly and calmly said "find love" before disappearing, leaving the snow leopard alone to think about what he was told.

"Me..find love? Pfft as if, who would ever be with a monster like me" he said looking at his paws but suddenly an image of a beautiful female tiger shinned in the snow leopards mind.

"T-Tigress...fine..." the snow leopard sighed before grabbing a dark cloak and covering his body with it, with him pulling the hood over his head to keep his real face a secret.

"Off to the valley of peace we go" The snow leopard said as he got on all fours and began to run to the valley of peace, not stopping for anything not even rest, through the scorching desserts, the barren woods, the freezing mountains. Nothing. Will stop him.

But when he made it to the valley he let out a sigh of relief when he noticed the tiger and slowly reached out to her but stopped and pulled away before she could notice the spotted paw reaching out for her.

"No...not this way,she will kill me if I just reveal myself to her" he said giving a faint smile before turning and walking away 'when she is alone at noght is when I Shall finally reveal myself to her....' he thought to himself as he went to a cave to finally rest.

The next day, was a quiet one so the snow leopard began to fish and get back in tune with his musical side by playing a flute he found in an old cabin during his journey back to the valley.

After he finished some songs he lept down from a tree with such speed and yet so quiet that you could hear a leaf hit the ground, he finally made it the ground and climbed up a wall of an old cabin before laying on his back on the flat roof of the building, he slowly closed his eyes and began to just absorb the sunlight into his furr.

All the while a dark figure has been watching and stalking the snow leopard, from his run to the valley from the snowy mountains.

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