Chapter5: The Sparing of the tiger and the snow leopard

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The Tiger smirked and calles Tai his new nickname "come on Tai Tai" Tai Lung fought the urge to roll his eyes and got into position opposite his girlfriend, sizing her up...and fighting to keep from thinking sexy thoughts. It was still new to him, being with the tiger of his dreams, he couldn't help it, but he knew this was neither the time, nor the place.

"I won't go easy on you," she warned for her boyfriends pride."Wouldn't have it any other way." Tai replied with a smirk across his soft lips.

She attacked. He hadn't expected it so soon, barely raising his arm to block her strike. He responded with a sweeping arm motion to deflect her next strike, earning a resounding cheer from the students. He allowed himself a smile; it actually felt good to hear that. Tigress saw him smile, and smiled back; at least he was enjoying this.

Unfortunately, she was about to use the same tactics Mantis had used on Po on the panda's first day of training. Tai Lung didn't see it coming, but he reacted quickly, catching himself just in time to return her advances.

Tigress was initially surprised to find how much of a workout she was getting just by sparring with Tai Lung. He kept her on her toes, more so than the Seven Swinging Clubs of Instant Oblivion. She expected their movements; he was unpredictable.

And okay, there was something slightly and yet inherently sexy about that....Did she just think that? 'Come on Tigress you are Sparing, it is the right time to be thinking about how well he moves' she thinks to herself as she throws a hard right hook at the snow leopard jaw, sending him flying into the tree but he then pushed off of the trunk launching himself back at her.

Tai Lung let out a large roar as he pounced onto the tiger pinning her down on the ground, his incredible size and strength was too much for the tiger so she decided to try something out of character for her, she leaned up and whispered into his ear "Tai Tai, if you loosen your grip I will mate with you tonight" as she whispered that she actually licked his ear.

When the snow leopard felt her soft and gentle tongue brush against his ear he loosened his grip, giving the tiger enough power to kick him off of her and twirl her body around on her paws until landing on her feet, facing away from him, accepting her promise she began to tease the snow leopard by shaking her rear at him.

The Snow Leopard gulped and purred softly before picking her up and carrying her to the tigers room all the while he had a smirk across his lips.

(Srry for the short chapter, I'm just abit too tired, might return to it when I have enough energy)

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