Chapter 3: Old Bonds Are Healed

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It had been around two to three months since the snow leopard had revealed himself to everyone, in tjat time he had been trying to get closer with Tigress, lets just say that didn't go well for him.

"Come on Stripes, don't be like that" Tai said knocking on the door to her room "No! You kissed Song!" Tigress snapped causing Tai to squeel out of fear "she pushed herself onto me!" He roared back "suuure she did like every other female and you not once did you think about pulling away!" The Tiger yelled back

" win, I'll be out with the others, feel free to join us" Tai said slowly walking off and meeting up with the other warriors.

A few hours later
Tigress finally realises she over reacted and walked over to the training all where everyone was playing truth or dare, it was Tai's turn and monkey didn't seem to like the game since he had a frown on his fave and he was wearing a pink dress.

"Okay okay, Tai, truth or dare?" Crane asked the snow leopard "why Dare of course" Tai said not noticing tigress "okay, go in the closet for 5 minutes with...hmm..ah Tigress!" Crane said laughing.

"Come now, Tigress isn't here..." Tai paused as he saw Tigress "come on Tai, lets get this done with" Tigress growled pulling Tai to his feet and dragging him to a closet.

"I'll plan Tai's funeral"Monkey jokingl said which caused Tai to shool him a glare only a few people see him do "watch your tongue primate" Tai said with a growl until getting dragged into the closet with Tigress.

Then Po shut the door and locked it " what Tigress?" Tai asked with his muzzle inches from hers causing a faint blush to come across the snow leopards cheeks which was covered up by his furr and the dark of the room

"I wanted to say...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have over reacted about anything as silly as Song of all people kissing you which means you were just caught off-guard" Tigress said with a light chuckle before trying to move around him so they both had more space.

Which in the end resulted in Tai's and Tigress' muzzles being pressed against eachother like an accidental kiss which restulted in the snow leopards tail tripping him up and causing his face to be buried into her neck which caused tigress to lightly purr.

"Gah sorry Tigress" Tai said trying to pull away but found a gentle paw was rubbing the back of his head and keeping him there "no..I should say sorry" she said smiling faintly before hearing the door unlock which ended in her shoving Tai off her and into the wall.

"Alright Tigress 5 minutes are up and Hey! You didn't kill him good for you" Mantis said jumping on Tai's shoulder who was still stunned "you alright there Tai?" Mantis asked waving his pincers infront of Tais face which broke him from the stun.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm great..." Tai said walking out after Tigress and awkwardly rubbing the back of his head "Yo! Tigress wanna play this awesomely fun game!?" Po asked as he jumped up and down excitedly.

"Only if it is my go next"Tigress said smirking "alright then, monkey you miss a turn" Po said as Monkey let out a sigh of happiness "Okay Tigress, Truth or Dare?" Viper asked having a sly smile across her lips "Truth..." Tigress answered with a smirk.

"Okay, what is the most out of character thing you have ever done?" Viper asked looking at Tigress while keeping the smirk "hm...out of character thing I know" Tigress said standing up and walking over to Tai before sitting next to him "this is it"she said grabbing the back of Tais neck and pulling him into a kiss.

Even Tigress had to admit, his mout didn't taste bad, but Tai Lung he was stunned beyond belief 'guess this is what it's like to be unable to move...huh' he thinks to himself as Tigress pulls away from him, with a seductive look in her eyes.

"Come on Tai, let's go and get ready for bed" Tigress said wanting the snow leopard and she knew that he wanted her just as bad "O..Okay"Tai said as he followed Tigress, leaving the warriors to talk.

"Do they realise Po called dibs on her?" Mantis whispered to monkey "if you ask me, I deserve her" Monkey said smiling but Po, he seemed enraged.

"He comes in here, after having a 'change of heart' and only after a few months has got a kiss out of her!" Po said slamming his fist into the ground cracking it.

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