Chapter 2: The Reveal

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It had been a few days since the snow leopard had returned to the valley, so he finally decided to show himself by walking right into the valley, by staring up at the peach tree and seeing a female tiger staring into the night sky "why do I feel like I am missing him...he was my enemy.." Tigress growled to herself with tears coming her stripped face.

But when she reached up to wipe the tears away she heard a branch on the ground snap so on insinct she shot her head around and growled but soon became wide eye out of pure shock "T-Tai!" She growled and glared at the snow leopard.

"If I got locked away, And lost it all today, tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?" The snow leopard asked her with a stern unmoving look in his eyes "Y-You! Why would I love you?!" Tigress growled to herself hoping Tai Lung didn't hear what she said "now Kitten, what kind of greeting is that?" Tai asked as he walked closer which inturn causes the tiger to take a defensive stance.

" do not deserve a second chance" Tigress said as she lept at Tai Lung, who was standing straight, unmoving so when Tigress threw a right hook at tais face he didn't move instead he took her claws right to his face he had three bloody claw marks down his right cheek.

A few moments pass and the tiger is holding a beaten and bloody Tai Lunh by his throat "If I got locked away, and we lost it all today, tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?" Tai said causing Tigress' eyes to grow wide since throughout her beating on Tai, the snow leopard has been singing that song but she was too blinded by her feral side to see what he was saying

Once Tigress realised that she did what nobody imagined her to do, carry Tai Lung back to the jade palace where ta red panda stood shocked at the top of the steps to see Tai Lung, his son being carried by his star pupil, Master Tigress "master tigress what is the meaning of this?" Shifu asked as he looked at his son that he still believed had good in him.

"Sorry Master I-" Tigress was soon cut off by Tai Lung who slowly climbed off her body "Tigress...she saved me Master...father" Tai said slowly sitting down with his back gently resting against the wall "I was sent from the spirit realm after...reaching my innerpeace" the snow leopard continued with his eyes slowly closing "master I wish to heal Tai back to full health" the tiger female said already bandaging Tai Lungs wounds " you wish Master Tigress" Shifu said smiling to the fact that his son Tai Lung has returned with a change of heart.

A few hours pass and the snow leopard finally wakes up, completely healed and Shifu with a smirk across his lips "S-Shifu...I think Tai's waking up" Po mumbled as he pointed at the snow leopards eyes slowly opening causing a faint, low pitched growl to escape the snow leopards muzzle.

"What the!"" Tai Lung roars at the panda before holding his side in pain causing Po and everyone to chuckle minus Tigress, Viper and shifu who shot Monkey, Crane and Po a death glare which caused Tai to rub his head in disbelief 'why are they..oh right' Tai thought as he looked at everyone with a faint smirk across his lips "did Kitten bring me here, I have no memory of whatever gave me these wounds" Tai Lung said unable to move because Tigress was holding him down with a growl "do not call me K-" before she could finish Tai cut in "Kitten, Kitten Kitten, I'd say our relationship isn't to this point yet"Tai lung said with a smirk of how Tigress was on him, on his stomach with her paws on his wrists causing Tigress to clear her throat and get off the snow leopard.

"Shifu, but it's Tai Lung, he's pure evil" Po whined but Tai Lung shot him a dirty look out of disgust "yes, Tai Lung has come back BUT he has a change of heart, he better keep it that way or else....Master Tigress, you will be sharing a room with Tai, he promised not to try anything since he will be sleeping on the floor or the banesters" Shifu explained with a smile.

"But Master I..." Tigress didn't bother to argue with her father as much she hates to admit it to herself, she was abit excited to have someone around that she can actually go all out agains, and anyway Tai owed her his life, " do realise what will happen if you dare harm anyone" Po said flashing his pinky finger up infront of Tai.

"Oh so scary, you think that will work again? You are more of a fool, a good warrior but a fool" Tai said smirking, seemingly unfazed by Po's showing off "how long has he been out?" Viper asks as she gave Tai a glare "a few hours but Tigress has taken care of his wounds" Shifu said turning and walking off "I expect most of you to be in your rooms by the time I finish meditating, but Tai, Tigress you may train for a few hours" Shifu smirked before going to meditate.

"Last one to the washroom is a stinky panda!" Monkey yelled running out followed by the other warriors, except Tigress and Tai Lung who shot one another a glare before walking to the training hall "so Kitten, how shall we train?" The snow leopard asked causing Tigress to slam her fist into the door "firstly, I'm not your kitten, secondly, You owe me your life which makes us even, finally, I will beat you" she said opening the door and walking inside.

"Jeez, sorry" Tai said following her before closing the door behind him and getting pounced on right away by Tigress "easy Ki-I mean Tigress" Tai said as he kicked her off him and quickly got back up.

"Whatever you say, Tai Tai" Tigress teased as she lept into the air and trying to land a hard kick on his head which the snow leopard caught with both paws causing a faint smile to come across his lips "why are you smiling?!" She growled as she lept back off him, landing on her two legs.

"I just like training with someone who I don't have to worry about harming or hurting, since you are as capable as you are angry" Tai answered leaping at her, followed by their clenched fists colliding.

Many hours pass and Tai Lung and Tigress are both knocked out, with their backs against a wall and Tigress' paw on Tai's as they slept. But are soon awoke by Shifu who was smiling faintly at the two sleeping felines.

At the sight they are in Tigress quickly shoved Tai away from her and stood up "Hm? Oh Morning Master, Tigress" Tai said standing up and stretching feeling a few bits in his back pop from the good sleep.

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