begin again | nishinoya yū | fluff songfic

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"took a deep breath in the mirror, he didn't like it when i wore high heels but i do."

  "tch, you can't walk in these, you'll look stupid, i told you." you sighed as you heard tsukishima's comments. you took off your heels and wore flats.

"turn the lock and put my headphones on. he always said he didn't get this song but i do, i do."

  "what are you listening to?" he snapped. he looked into your phone.

  "this song? so lame." he said. you looked down.

  "i think it's beautiful." you smiled to yourself sadly. he laughed.

  "you're as lame as this song."


  "bye, kei." you walked away from him. he wasn't worth your time anyway. neither were you worth his time.

"walked in expecting you'd be late but you got here early and you stand and wave."

  you sighed as you walked into the small café. was he going to be there? why would anyone bother to be punctual for you anyway? surprisingly, the next voice you heard was his.

  "(f/n)!" you smiled as you heard the raspy but adorable voice of the small libero. you grinned and ran over to him to give him a hug.

"you pull out my chair and help me and you don't know how nice that is but i do."

  "sit down, you look so tired." he smiled. he pulled out your chair for you. he was such a sweet boy, and you never noticed until now. you were too caught up with tsukishima anyway. you sat down and buried your face in your arms tiredly.

"sleepy?" he asked. you looked up and nodded with a smile. he laid his head down on the table as well and tilted it to look at you with a cute pout. you giggled at his face.

"and you throw back your head laughing like a little kid."

  he started giggling too when he heard your laugh.

  "your laugh is so cute." he grinned. you smiled at him and started tickling his stomach. he started acting like a small boy and laughed. his eyes were tightly closed and his head was thrown back over his chair.

"i think it's strange that you think i'm funny 'cause he never did."

you stopped tickling the struggling boy and he was smiling widely at you. tsukishima never was so happy over small things. you were lucky you had such a nice friend like noya. you rested your head on his shoulder.

"thank you for coming today." you said. he grinned.

"no problem."

"i've been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end."

"is everything okay? why did you ask to meet all of a sudden." noya asked out of curiosity. you sighed.

"you know how tsukishima is my boyfriend right?" you took a deep breath. he nodded quickly. you smiled.

"you see, he doesn't always treat me as well as he first did. and i think i couldn't take it anymore earlier today. i needed some alone time but i wanted to have some company too. and i guess you're the best person to go to for good company because you're so kind and sweet." your tears fell at the thought of tsukishima. it was a hard relationship between you and him. the both of you never actually truly got along very well anyway.

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