Chapter 37 - ...and stargazers (Part 2)

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The night was perfect for what we had planned, as there wasn't a cloud in sight. The good viewing conditions were actually kind of a raw deal because it also brought out quite a number of spectators for the meteor shower, most of which chose to gather at the same place we went to- Budd Park.

It took a little while, but we were finally able to find an area just on the outskirts of the park that was clear of any other people. It was still a nice, open spot and we actually ended up further away from city lights than we would have been if we stayed in the crowded areas.

"Hey, do you... do you think Lindsay would ever, ya know, want me back?" Nick asked me as we lay on the hood of his Maverick. I glanced over at him. He had this hands resting against his stomach, fingers crossed and his legs were just dangling over the front of the car. He seemed peaceful, looking up at the sky and waiting for the show to begin, but the way he asked his question sounded like he was apprehensive of the answer he may receive.

"I knew it, dude. I knew this whole thing was just a ploy for you to see if you could hook up with Linds." I couldn't help but begin to laugh.

"Shut up, man. I don't want her to hear you." Nick waved his hand back and thwacked me in the chest.

"Ugh!" I laughed out, flinching at the sting the slap left. "You're so touchy when I give you shit about still being hung up on her," I sulked, rubbing my palm on the spot he hit before locking my hands together and cradling the back of my head with them. "But, um..." I turned my head in the other direction, looking at the two girls lying on the old comforter I had salvaged from the basement for the sole purpose of stargazing... if not a little bit more with Kim later on in a less public place. They were giggling about something and pointing to the sky. I looked back up at the same direction they were. "I dunno. Maybe?"

Nick perked his head up and turned my way. "Maybe?"

"Well, shit Nick, I really don't know. You should have heard how she talked about you to your dad. She didn't sugarcoat the fact that you messed up, but she sure sounded like she believed you had it in you to fix this whole school thing. And she smiles, man. She smiles at the mention of your name."

"Really?" There was a big, toothy grin spread across his face. "Should I say something to her?"

"Yeah, but maybe not something like 'hey, do you like me?'"

"What should I say then?"

"You can start out with 'Hi' and after that it is up to you," I smirked. "Just be yourself. That's what got her attention in the first place, right?"

He didn't reply, but simply turned his attention back to the darkening cosmos above us... a smile still painted on his face.

"So how's summer school goin', man?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation moving in a way I wanted it to, which was way the hell away from any talk of Kim and myself.

"Pretty good," Nick confirmed with a strange guffaw. "It's, like, way easier than normal school, man, and I get the same credits. I wish I could just stay there instead of goin' back to McKinley. So, check it out, we just have two classes a day and..."

Nick continued on, telling me about how easy of a time he was having in summer school and how there was hardly any homework or anything. I had to admit that it did seem perfect for him, and I was glad that he was at least somewhat lessening the burden the following school year would bring for him, but he also knew the easy ride was coming closer and closer to ending and he would have to prepare to really buckle down again soon.

As it grew darker and darker out, I became more confident in the fact that my friend had likely forgotten that he wanted to torment me by bringing up the subject of my confusing love-life again. Sadly, it was as if my confidence in the matter sparked his memory of it.

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