Chapter 36 - Trailblazers... (Part 1)

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Three weeks had passed since we settled the Andopolis fiasco and, while a lot of things stayed the same in that time, a lot of things changed as well.

One of the biggest changes was that, a week after finding out his fate in regards to school next year, Nick slowly announced to everyone that he and Sara were 'taking a break' because he felt that they had 'grown apart and needed to look at their relationship again'. That kind of wording always spelled the indefinite end of a relationship and I never understood why couples went through the façade that there was hope of rekindling what was quite obviously gone. I think we were all shocked that it was Nick, the guy who always grew too attached to his significant others, who essentially broke up with Sara and not the other way around.

Lindsay continued her perpetual lockdown and Ken and Amy were still, well, quite content with each other.

I didn't know much as far as how things were going for Daniel. Kim had spoken to him a few more times, continuing to try her best to patch things up as well as she could so our little family of misfits could be whole again at some point, but Desario was not so interested in being around me again... ever (or so he said). According to Linds' weekly calls to Kim on Tuesdays (at least her mom's game of bridge was predictable in that regard), he even still came over to her house a day or two a week to play that weird game with her brother and his friends. She was a little concerned though, because each week he seemed to have a new girlfriend who he wouldn't really connect with and just move on from within a few days. I would say that he was looking for someone who could provide that anchor and rock companionship that he had with Kim... but just thinking about that brought up the whole 'bad people' debate again.

Ultimately I couldn't afford him the luxury of renting space in my head, just roosting there and making me wonder if we had a future friendship or not. I liked the guy, I really did. He was unique and as good of a companion as anyone could ask for, but what happened between the three of us hurt him (as it would anyone in his place) and I simply did not have the mental or emotional wherewithal to keep hoping he would come around. If he did at some point then that would be great, but I wasn't going to bank on it or pursue it when I knew I was simply scum in his eyes. Sometimes it just took time to heal, and that was all I could give him.

Things were slightly looking up for Kim. She had made amends with her mother and stepfather and moved back home. Conditions weren't perfect between them, but I don't think either side ever expected them to be. They simply found a way to coexist... for a little while at least.


On Monday I had received the best news I possibly could at the end of practice, and it wasn't just announced to me, but the locker room as a whole. Despite all of my whining, all of my self-doubt, all of my fear over the title, I kept pushing forward as Fredricks had demanded and as the weeks continued on and the cuts to our small numbers kept up as well, I found myself up against Ethan Coleson for the quarterback spot. One of us was going to get it and the other was going to get backup. While there technically wouldn't be a 'loser' between us no matter who got what, we both knew what position we had been fighting for... and it sure as hell wasn't a backup spot. After taking time to explain what was going on behind the scenes for the past couple of weeks, the role of locker room leaders and who they were going to be, Coach announced that he had come to a decision on who would be the new Norsemen football team's quarterback and backup. After taking his time to spit out a name, watching as both Ethan and I grew beads of sweat on our foreheads with all eyes on us, Fredricks announced my name for the prized spot in the proudest tone I had ever heard in his voice before. The room erupted with roars of approval, which I wasn't fully expecting, and my team suddenly surrounded me to give me personal words of congratulations and pats on the back. Even Ethan was showing nothing but support for the decision, which made me consider if I would have had that kind of sportsmanship were the tables turned.

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