Chapter 29 - ...& primal attraction (Part 2)

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Author's (brief) forewarning: There are sexual themes/smut throughout the entirety of this chapter. 


After successfully sneaking out of the library without being detected by the balding curator, we made our way to the parking lot.

Kim threw her bag into the back of the Gremlin and turned to face me. I was looking down slightly, trying to dig my keys out of my pocket when I noticed her spin around, but I was taken by surprise when she reached over and grabbed a handful of my shirt. There was a powerful tug and our lips were sealed together again, followed by her tongue embracing mine. Something about the stigma dissolving between us caused a massive overflow of desire and sexual hunger. It was an overflow that, seemingly, neither of us were willing to repress, but very much looking forward to satisfying.

"Just make sure you keep up," she said, slightly panting, as she broke away a minute later and lowered her posture down from just standing on her toes.

"We need to- I mean, I need to," I began sputtering. "Um, I don't have any- do we even need...? Yeah, we do. Of course we do."

I felt a pained look overshadow my face as I continued to try to explain our current predicament while avoiding a certain word.

Condoms! Just say you don't have a condom and you need to stop at a gas station or something!

Kim looked perplexed for a moment and then what I was trying to say must have clicked in her head, as she began to laugh. "No, I've got it covered, trust me. Why do you think I wasn't worried the first time we did it?"

I was clearly not at the top of my game, as what she said took a bit to sink in and make sense to me.

Birth control! The name rang loudly in my head as if it was the solution to a question that had been nagging me for months.

"Oh! Gotcha. Wait, you have like a, uh, prescription or something? So your parents know? Well, I guess they do but-"

"God, no!" Kim laughed again and looked at me somewhat shocked. "My parents? Seriously? Try the clinic in Roseville."

The light bulb suddenly came on over my head and I felt like an idiot. Roseville was a small city that was about a twenty-minute drive from the outskirts of Chippewa. Even though it was barely a third the size of Chippewa there was a ton of stuff there, including a few clinics.

"Nobody knows who I am there, so I don't have to worry about word getting back to my mother and I guess it's illegal for them to let her know or something," she continued. "Anyway, keep up."

I watched her quickly make her way to the driver's side of her car and jump in before I followed suit with my own car. Her demands for me to 'keep up' were actually far more accurate than I originally would have given her credit for considering the difference in power and speed of our vehicles. For a car that had difficulty starting the day before, her little Gremlin was showing it had some get-up-and-go when it needed it.


Within fifteen minutes, I had followed Kim to the parking lot of some apartment complex and once again parked next to her jalopy.

"Come on, come on," she commanded impatiently, holding her hand out for me to take while quickly making an opening and closing motion. After she had a firm grip on my hand, we practically ran up the steps next to the yellow and green colored collection of apartments on the other side of the covered parking spots. We went to the third floor and walked past several doors before stopping.

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