Chapter 30 - Meals and Reveals

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"So, I got, like, five bucks. Do you have any money?" I asked, pulling my t-shirt over my head.

Kim had just finished putting her hair into a ponytail, a style I rarely saw on her. "A couple dollars. Why?"

I flashed a quick smile her way and that was almost answer enough.

Her lips curved upward and she began to giggle. "Pizza from Sal's?"

"Mmhmm" I hummed, giving her a quick peck before I stood and began to look for my shoes.


Kim had entered Sal's before I could, as my attention was somewhat diverted by the new video shop that was preparing to open up in the old thrift store unit. Cupping my hands to the side of my face, I took a quick peek through the glass door to see what it looked like inside. Most everything was still in boxes, but they had a few shelves set-up, one reading 'Betamax Rental Units' and 'VCR Rental Units' on the other. There were a few posters up on the walls as well, none of which really struck me as interesting until my eyes scanned over a banner for The Fog. It was another horror movie from John Carpenter and, after becoming slightly obsessed with Halloween, I was more than looking forward to the director's next film. Sadly, I had missed its theatrical run, but I was somewhat excited a the idea that I may have the chance to see it at home if the rental store didn't cost an arm and a leg when it opened.

"Mio amico! How are ya, kid?" Sal greeted in his thick Italian accent as I walked through the door of the deli. It was customary for him to refer to all of us as 'kids' and the title was one that we took without any contention. Sal had a very grandfatherly way about him when it came to those of us who went against the grain and, in return, we treated him with a respect that we really didn't showcase for a lot of adults in our lives. He was always nice and genuinely seemed happy to see us, making a lot of us feel more at ease in his little restaurant than we ever could at home.

"I'm good, Salvatore- I mean, um... mio amigo?" I tried to emulate the Italian greeting he so often used when saying hello to us, but the burst of laughter from the man let me know I had botched it.

"Amico, giovanotto, not amigo. Uh-me-ko." he graciously enunciated for me. The word 'giovanotto' (or 'young man') I was far more familiar with, as he used it in conversations quite frequently. "You here with your friends, too?"

"F-friends?!" I inquired like a moron, a knot forming in my stomach at the very thought of Daniel sitting behind me with the rest of the gang. It was only Kim's voice, and words, that caused the uneasiness to dissipate as quickly as it formed.

"Behind you, goof!"

There was no way Kim would sound as happy as she did if Daniel was around.

Sal began to laugh at my friend's teasing as I turned around and was met by the stares and otherwise blank expressions of Ken, Amy, Nick and Sara. Blondie, of course, was standing right next to their table.

'This one,' Salvatore called from behind me, 'I haven't seen you in a while. You musta been on a summer vacation, huh?'

I assumed he was talking to Kim, as it had only been a few days since my last visit to the diner.

"Yeah, something like that," my friend laughed, her face blossoming into a smile.

'Look at you,' his voice continued to flow passed me as I made my way to the group. 'Still pretty as ever with a nice tan to boot now, too. So-'

There was a loud 'ding' sound and Sal excused himself to go to the back.

"Hey, Donovan, guess what!" Ken called out as I stopped in front of the small table, standing next to Kim. "Kim's back in town, buddy!" His tone was very tongue-in-cheek. "Oh wait, you came in like a minute after she did. That's a kinda weird coincidence, don't ya think?"

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