Chapter 1 - "Sticks and stones..."

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Adding this for the sake of clarity: Chapter 1 takes place *BEFORE* episode 1 of the show. Chapter 2 is where the show starts.


Another day at McKinley High... another abhorred, monotonous school day. I leaned back against the chain-link fence, cracking a few of the weather-worn plastic slats that had been placed in it decades ago as a privacy measure. The courtyard was never supposed to be a hangout for smokers, but that is what it eventually turned into as more and more kids realized that they would not be chastised for smoking on school grounds if they were in that area. It was quite apparent that the staff knew what was going on within the confines of the fenced space, but trying to stop it would be like pulling teeth. I guess they figured they had a better shot of smokers going back to their classes if they were still at school instead of being forced to leave for their nicotine fix.

I stared out in front of me, watching my friends joke around and take a drag off a cigarette every now and then. I use the term 'friends' far more comfortably now than I did when I first encountered them, because if you asked me a few months ago, I would have told you I'd never be caught dead hanging out with the freaks. They simply weren't my kind of clique, and our social standings were at complete opposite ends of the spectrum (jocks and burnouts coexisting? Not a chance). Lots of things can change in a couple of months, though... lots of things.

I wasn't formally welcomed or initiated into the group, not at first, but I guess there is a bit of hesitation in telling the 6'1" former defensive tackle of the McKinley Norsemen to take a hike. I started hanging around the patio just to get away from anyone who would want to talk to me, just so I could be by myself in a group of people who didn't want to know me anyway. I wasn't like any of the people who hung out there at all. I didn't wear band t-shirts, I didn't have long or greasy hair... hell, I didn't even like cigarettes thanks to growing up in a household with two chain-smokers. I was trying to be a recluse, but I had good reason. It wasn't until one of my new friends, Nick Andopolis, sparked up a conversation with me that I actually exited my shell a little. Well, it started out as Kim Kelly's attempt to press my buttons, but it grew into a conversation.

Even though I was a newcomer to the area, it was easy to spot the regulars, like the group of four that Kim and Nick were a part of. At first glance, they were your typical set of burnouts and didn't really stand out from the other packs in any shining way. The one thing I could say about them was that they all liked to talk... loudly. It was actually because of their loud conversations that I had learned all of their names, as well as bits of pieces of their dirty laundry. It wasn't that I attempted to eavesdrop on them... it was just a very open space where sound had a tendency to travel.

Kim had been giving me a judgmental stare for the better part of the week, almost like she had just noticed that I was one of those... things, one of those jocks, and I simply did not belong. She wouldn't have exactly been wrong, either.

"What's with the meathead in the corner?" she said to the rest of the group, but made sure she spoke loud enough for her taunt to be heard by me. "It's like, who the hell invited him back here?"

Her quip was more than enough to gain my attention and make me turn my head towards the group.

"Keep it down, loudmouth," her boyfriend, Daniel, seemingly hissed through a whisper, giving her a look like she was playing with fire.

Aside from that, none of the clique replied to her questions. As far as I could tell, they were all avidly trying to avoid even the temptation of looking my way. All of then, that was, except for Kim. She was staring a hole into me as my gaze shifted between the four clustered freaks. She looked pissed, as if my very presence in the area was an error and she was contemplating being the one to fix it. I decided to test the waters, not at all waiting for that little voice in my head to chirp up and stop me in time.

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