One Year Old

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One year old
The little girl now knows how to walk and crawl. She can say mommy and a few other words. So far everything is going great.

Nothing has hurt the little girl.
She rolls off the bed and trips and falls when she tries to run, but those boo boo's go away. The mom can just kiss those and the 1 year old girl soon forgets about them.

What the mom really fears are the boo boo's that won't go away. The boo boo's that'll scar her baby for the rest of her life.

The mom knows that the baby girl is still safe for now.

Her baby is still safe from the horrible world.

But the mother knows that as the girl gets older she will want to know and experience more.

For now though, the mother has nothing to worry about because the girl is still only a baby.

But she dreads the day when her little girl will grow up.

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