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           I woke up, happy as can be. It was my 9th birthday!!! I jumped out of bed and got dressed. I wore a f/c shirt with a sf/c skirt. I ran downstairs and smiled at the king. I served him, even at this young age.On my left shoulder blade, even at this young age, a tattoo of a tiger roaring was printed. I was Y/N, the Tiger Sin of Revenge. I ran downstairs all the way towards my mom, a rebel goddess. She smiled at me and picked me up in a hug.
         "Hello, sweetie." She said smiling.
         "Mommy! I'm 9 today!" She chuckles.
         "I know, my dear. Oh, there's a surprise in the main room." I smiled wider and ran all the way to the front room and my eyes widened. A tigress sat there, grooming herself. She noticed me and yawned, getting up and walking toward me. I trembled with excitement as I met her halfway. I stuck my hand out. She sniffed it before nuzzling my hand and I hugged her around her neck. Not to long after, I heard a laugh and Meliodas, my best friend, walked into the room. 

        "MELI!!" I said, excited to see my friend. He looked away from his other friends and smiled at me widely, his arms open. I ran into his arms, engulfing him in a hug. He was only 10, 1 year older than me.
        "Hey Y/N!" He said, messing up my hair. I looked at him with a sparkle in my eyes.
        "Guess what!"
        "What?" He said in mock confusion.
        "IM 9 YEARS OLD TODAY!" I said, jumping up and down.
        "Cool, Happy Birthday!" I smiled at him and his friends. Ban walked over.
        "Did you like our present?" He said with a smirk. Only 2 years older than Mel, he was the oldest and cockiest one in the group.
        "Of course! Wait, I wanna try something." I whistled a tune. The tigress walked over and curled at my feet. I pet her head, feeling her purr.

        "That's so cute!" Diane said. She was human size at the moment so she pulled me into a hug. I returned it.
        "So, can we give you our present." King said, gesturing to himself and Gowther. They were 10 and 11. I nodded. A small mewl was heard. Both me and tigress' eyes widened. A baby tiger, a boy, waddled toward us. It nuzzled it's mother's nose before looking at me. The kitten's eyes were different. They were a sky blue. I cooed to the kitten and it waddled toward me closer. I kneeled down and it jumped into my arms. I hugged it and kissed its forehead.
       "Thanks, I love him!" I say, happily. "I'm gonna name him..." I look at Meliodas and smile. "Mel-Mel." Meliodas smiles at me and pulls me into a hug as my mom called me back.  "I'll see you later!"
       "Ok bye!" I waved, the tigress, named Emerald, and her son, Mel-Mel, followed close behind. Only, I didn't see him again and I never thought I would, until...

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