Preview Ch.11

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I watched sadly as Meliodas walked upstairs. I felt tears well up in my eyes. A silent tear fell. I felt Gowther pull me into a hug.
"It's ok Y/N. King and I will help you raise this child as good uncles if Meliodas doesn't."
"It's ok. I'm just.. I'm gonna go out for a while." I say wiping my eyes and running out of the tavern.

Gowther POV

I watch as Y/N runs out the tavern. I feel a bubbling feeling inside of me. I've heard that others call this emotion, anger. I storm upstairs and burst into Meliodas' room. He isn't there. I head to my room. King's there laying down on his pillow.
"King." He shoots up and almost falls off his pillow.
"Y/N's pregnant." His mouth opens then closes. He repeats the motion over and over before his face brightens up and he flies around the room happily.

"We're gonna be uncles!" He says, shaking my shoulders.
"Yes, but that's not why I'm here." He furrows his eyebrows. I explain what happens. The more I say, the more his face darkens. He silently flies out the room, beckoning me to follow him. He bursts into Elizabeth's room and the sight disgusts me. Meliodas pulls away from Elizabeth immediately, his hair a mess. Neither of them have a shirt on. King, faster than I've ever seen him go, flies into Meliodas and shoots him out a window. He flies after him and I stare Elizabeth in the eyes. Her eyes glaze over and I see what happened.


Meliodas walks upstairs.
"I'm going to be a father! I can't believe it! I- I have to tell everyone!" He looks around happily. "Oh shit, wait, Y/N must think I-" Elizabeth walks out of her room, only wearing a bra and shorts.
"Hey Sir Meliodas~" she walked over and put a hand on his chest.
"No Elizabeth. I'm with Y/N. Stop." He pushed her off but she just dragged him to her room.

She pulled his shirt off while he still struggled to get away from her. She tried pulling him close and that's when I walked in.

Flashback End

I immediately send the image to King. I glare at Elizabeth and she glares right back.
"He was surely mine before you walked in." She said angrily. I heard the front door open and a familiar voice. I smirked as I sent the image down to Y/N.


"Guys! I'm back! Damn where is everyone.." I close the door behind me. Immediately, I get this video type thing in my head. Once it ends, I stomp up the stairs. My eyes flared a fiery blue, the hottest kind of flame.

Water from the sink slowly circled around me and under my feet, making me fly towards Elizabeth's room. I bust open the door and see her sitting there with a frown. Gowther smirks. I don't say anything. I just slowly float over to where Elizabeth is.

Once I get there, my water picks her up by her waist and squeezing until it hurt. I slapped her across the face.
"You bitch. You're gonna regret that." She growls. I raise an eyebrow.
"Oh, shall I? Well, when we meet again, I guess. Ta ta."
"What do you me- AAAAAGH!" Ban bursts in the room when he hears her scream.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!" "I'm pregnant and I told Meli who freaked out happily and went upstairs and when he tried to go back down to be happy with me Elizabeth tried to seduce him and Gowther walked in and King rammed Meli through that wall," I point my thumb towards the wall. "And Elizabeth called me a bitch so I threw her out the big hole in the wall we now have."

I finish this in one breath. Ban looks tired, angry, and confused. Then his eyes widen and his face wears a huge smile.
"IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE!!!" He picks me up and swings me around. I laugh and nod. "Yeah, you will. Now let's go stop King from killing Meliodas." He laughs.


We reach King about to impale

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