Ch. 3

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It was pretty busy today. A lot of people came in and out. They gave me extra tips just for me to be their barmaid, they didn't want Elizabeth tripping and spilling their food on them. I chuckle as I bring another customer their beer.

"Hey, can I speak with you a minute?" I actually look at him and blush. He's a handsome young man, about my age. I sit down next to him and nod.
"What is it?"
"Have you heard of the Eight Deadly Sins?" I almost choked but kept a straight face.
"Yes, though, I think of them more of heroes than criminals."

He nods in agreement.
"Me too. I'm looking for Y/N, the Tiger Sin of Revenge." I actually choke this time.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, choked on my spit."
"Anyways, she was my best friend when we were little. I never blamed her for the thing she did. I just want to find her and tell her I still believe in her." A tear falls down my face in recognition.

He looks at my face and nods, a tear falling. "N/N?" I nod before embracing him in a hug. "Oh my god, I missed you so much!" I say, crying.
"I missed you too, I missed you too." He says, rubbing my back. "Where's-"
"Emerald and Mel-Mel?" He nods. I whistle and they trot to my sides. I pet each of them. "Guys, you remember him right." Mel recognizes him immediately.
"Kiro!" He says, putting his front paws on Kiro's lap. Kiro laughs, petting Mel.

"I missed you to buddy." He looks at Emerald. "I missed you too, Emerald." She nods and walks over as well. He pets her too, they both purred.
"K guys, you can go back now." They get down from Kiro's lap and nuzzle my legs before trotting up upstairs.


The day ends and I sit down at one of the tables.
"Hey, Ban, can you hit me with a beer, maybe a meal?" He nods and quickly cooks something up.
"Here ya go." I immediately chug the beer in 4 seconds. Ban looks at me, his jaw-dropping. "What?" I say, eating some of the food.
"That was faster than what I ever drank anything before."

I shrug and keep eating. I finally finish.
"I'll wash it." Ban says, taking the plate. "Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow." He grunts in response. I walk upstairs. I walk into Meliodas' room and change for bed. I put on a t-shirt, not wearing a bra this time and short shorts.

I was too tired to be uncomfortable wearing a bra, not even caring if I was sleeping with the most perverted person here. As I laid down, Meliodas walked in.
"Hey, Meliodas." I say with a yawn.
"Hey Y/N!" He says, changing as well. He only wears boxers. That's it, boxers. I blush as he climbs into bed next to me. I, in my half-drunk half sleepy state, curl up next to him, running a finger down his chest.

"2, 4, 6, 8! You have an eight pack!" I say like a child, basically mumbling.
"I know." He says chuckling. I feel him grope my chest, but I'm too tired to care.
"Wow, it's softer than Elizabeth's." I nod, tiredly and slowly fall asleep as he wraps his arms around my waist.


I wake up and open my eyes slowly. Meliodas looks at me with a wide smile on his face.
"Hey Y/N!" I yawn in response, snuggling closer to him.
"I don't wanna get up," I whine.
"Well, you're being quite touchy. I don't mind, you can touch me all you want." I blush. "Staaaaaahhhp," I say, hitting his arm and turning around. He wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer.

"You're lucky I'm like a sponge for body heat," I grumble, backing up a little bit. I lay there for a few more minutes before Elizabeth knocks on the door.
"Sir Meliodas, may I talk to you?"
"Of course, come in." In annoyance, I teleport to King's room.
"Hey, King."
"What!?" He says, turning back into his old form. He calms when he sees me.

"Oh, hey Y/N!" He says. Gowther walks out the bathroom with a towel around his waist.
"Uh... Sorry Gowther, I could leave.."
"If you wish." I bid them a goodbye as I walk into the hallway.
"Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" I hear Meliodas say. I teleport downstairs. I hear a noise of confusion then a door shut. I sigh in relief and lay my head down. As I close my eyes, the recording plays in my head.

The Tiger Sin Of Revenge (Meliodas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now