Ch. 9

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I woke up and saw Meliodas laying down next to me. He was sleep and his hand was wrapped around my waist. I look at him and smile. Kissing his forehead, I wriggled out of his arms. He groaned a bit before turning over and going back to sleep. I giggle silently before getting dressed and walking downstairs.

"Well fucking Jesus Christ, did you break the bed?" Ban grumbles, drinking some coffee. I laugh.
"I'll let him now you're mad you couldn't join in." He spits out his coffee and glares at me. I chuckle before getting some coffee myself and sitting down. I'm almost done when I hear some footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Hey Y/N." King yawns. I nod at him. Diane, Gowther, Elizabeth, and Hawk soon follows.

"Hey guys."
"Morning." They yawn in response. Finally, Meliodas walks downstairs. I look at him and smirk. When he walks next to me, I grab his collar.
"Good morning, Captain~" I purred in his ear. His face turned red. I chuckle and let him go.

"So Sins-" he cuts himself off and clears his throat as his voice is an octave above his normal one. I snicker. He glares at me before continuing. "So Sins, I'm pretty sure we'll have a lot of good tips today."
"The girls are all being waitresses today." He pulls out a spray bottle and sprays Diane. She shrinks to human size. "Ok, now I need you girls to get dressed." I roll my eyes and walk upstairs getting dressed.


I look at Diane who's looking longingly at King. "So.." she jumps and looks at me before smiling.
"Hey Y/N."
"Hey, So I was thinking.." I explained my plan to her. She nods quickly and we rush up stairs.

We check ourselves in the mirror before smiling, looking at each other and nodding

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We check ourselves in the mirror before smiling, looking at each other and nodding. We quickly run to the DJ booth and sign our names. We put two chairs on the stage as the DJ calls our name.
"And now, give it up, for Y/N and Diane!!" The crowd cheers. King and Melodias looks at us.

The song plays and we go through the choreography we, mostly I, planned upstairs. We finally finish on our knees and whip our head backwards, our hair flying back in sync. The crowd cheers.

We walk off the stage and smile.
"That was awesome!" Diane says. We look at each other and laugh.
"Did you see King's face! He was as red as a tomato!" Diane says laughing.
"I know, so was Meli's!" I said, laughing as well. We stop laughing when we hear two people clearing their throats behind us.

"I think you owe us something." Diane and I look at each other confused. Then, the boys grab their significant others waist pulls us into a kiss.
"K-King?" Diane says panting, her face red. He whispers something in her ear before walking up the stairs with her.

Meliodas and I hear a door slam.
"I'm guessing the others aren't sleeping tonight."
"Why not us?"
"Put a spell on the room, we can't hear anything outside."
"See, this is why I love you." Meliodas says kissing my forehead. I chuckle and get back to work serving people.


I finally sit down, exhausted. I pull all the tips out my bra and snap, all the sweat coming off immediately. I shove the many dollar bills at Ban, who's eyes widened.
"Some people thought I was cute, others liked my singing, some of them wanted a kiss on the cheek and paid me 5 bucks for that, others wanted pictures and gave me money for that, etc." His eyes widened even more.
"Have you become a celebrity?" I shrug.
"I guess so." Diane gives Ban her tips. It's about 3/5 of what I had. Elizabeth gives Ban the least.
It was still a lot though.

"Ok ladies, good work!" Meliodas says, smiling. I grunt in response and ask Ban for a beer. He's about to pour it on my head but it stays in the cup.
"What the.." he looks in the cup and I take that moment for it to fly near his face, a few centimeters away.

"Fuck you." I laugh and make the beer go back into the cup, grabbing it from him. I drink my beer before wiping my mouth and tossing it back at Ban. He catches it with a grumble.
"No complaining? Good Ban!" I say kissing his cheek. He mutters even more before kissing my forehead.
"Night Y/N."
"Night Ban." I say before walking upstairs.

I immediately shower and change into my pajamas. I wear an oversized shirt with fluffy pajama pants. I flop on the bed as Meliodas walks upstairs.
"Hey Y/N." He says with a yawn. He changes into boxers and a tank top. He lays down next to me and turns his head towards me, smiling.  I smile back before letting out a 'nya' sounding yawn. He chuckles. I get under the covers and quickly snuggle up to my boyfriend. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer. He kisses my forehead.
"I love you."
"I love you too Meli." We soon fall asleep.

The Tiger Sin Of Revenge (Meliodas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now